Hal Jordan x Reader

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Up next: Conner Kent x Reader

Later: Hal Jordan x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I had only been a part of the Justice League for a couple of months, but it has been one of the best experiences of my life. I have met some pretty amazing people, even Batman. He's harder to be around, yet you just take whatever attitude he gives you.
  Speaking of The League, there was one person in particular that had been on my mind: Green Lantern. Hal and I had spent a couple of moments together, but I wanted more. I wanted to be a couple, yet I was afraid of what his answer would be to me.

  I decided to get some fresh air and sit down on one of the local benches. I watched as the kids played on the playground, while a couple of parents were standing by. I wondered what it would be like to one day be the guardian of a child, but I wanted to be in a secure relationship first.

  I smile at how happy the children were but also at the couples around me. Everyone seemed so happy, and I wanted to be the same way.
  I nearly fell off the bench when Hal sat down beside me. My nerves instantly kicked in, and I did my best to look cool.

  Hal chuckled and said,"Your sister told me I would find here."

  Geez, could she ever keep her mouth shut?

  I just sent Hal a smile, and he returned the smile saying,"You have a nice smile. That's not why I'm here, though. Are you doing anything tonight?"

  My ears perked up at his question, and I calmly replied,"No, not tonight. Why?"

  He took my hand and asked me,"Would you like to go to dinner with me?"

  I said,"Yes, I will go to dinner with you. What time?"

  "Does 7 work?"

  "Yes, that works. I'll see you then."

  Hal let go of my hand and walked back to his car. I rushed home to get ready for my dinner with Hal. 7 seemed to come around pretty slow. It seemed like hours away, until it finally hit. Hal arrived not even a minute after.
  I opened the door, and he complimented me on my outfit. I did the same to him, and I prayed to God that this dinner would go all right. That I wouldn't embarrass myself. I tended to do that, even when I was not even trying to.
  About halfway through dinner, Hal reached over and took my hand.

  I gave his hand a squeeze, and he said,"You can let go, if it makes you uncomfortable, Y/N."

  I did not let go and Hal smiled, keeping his hand in my own throughout dinner.

  On the way back, Hal asked me,"Do you see yourself going to dinner with me again?"

  I looked over at him and said,"Yes, I do. What about you?"

  He answered,"Most definitely. I had a great time. I really feel like I'm very lucky just to have shared that one dinner with you. I know that sounds..."

  "Cute? It sounds cute to me. I feel the same, Hal. I'm glad my sister told you where I was."

  Hal said with pride,"I'm glad you were there."

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