Hal Jordan x Reader

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Dedicated to starry8

Up next: Bruce Wayne x Reader

Later: Barry Allen x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  "Carol, have you seen Hal?"

  Carol Ferris a.k.a. Star Sapphire, who had also been my best friend for a couple of years, looked over at me and said,"Yes. He is probably still working. I'll let him know you want to speak to him."

  I said,"Well, I was actually planning on talking to him myself. In person. It's important."

  I was finally ready to tell Hal how I felt about him, and then Carol dropped the whole building on me. Not literally but figuratively.

  She said,"About Hal, Y/N, we're together. I know about your feelings for him, but I couldn't just turn him down."

  I immediately felt like I was carrying a huge weight. A weight I didn't even know I could carry or for how long I could carry it. Carol knew how I felt about Hal, and she did this to me.

  I just said to her,"Oh, okay. I...uh...wish you the best. I have to go see my father."

  I just walked past her and flew to Wayne Enterprises. Yes, I was also a member of the Green Lantern Corps. The ring chose me, and I had to do my job. My father was Lucius Fox, yet he became injured badly in an encounter with The Joker.
  Luckily, Batman came in and saved Dad before any more damage could be done to him. Dad had a few broken bones, but his recovery was going well. Leslie checked his progress every single day. You couldn't get any better than Leslie.

  When I arrived, my eyes were already puffy from the amount of crying I did on the way to Leslie. However, I had to be strong.
  Unfortunately, Bruce was here, and I knew he would ask about it. I knew Bruce too well to know he would.

  I tried to go another route, but I heard him say,"Y/N?"

  I sighed and turned around, before I walked up to him.
  He asked me, getting straight to business,"What are the tears for?"

  I said,"Carol's with Hal. She just told me, but I feel really betrayed. Bruce, she knew how I felt about him, and she still went with him. I should've seen this coming. I should've told him how I felt a long time ago."

  Bruce nodded and said,"Maybe, but maybe not. How do you know Carol and Hal are actually together? Did you see them?"

  I shook my head but said to Bruce,"Carol said they were dating, Bruce. She wouldn't lie to me."

  Bruce sent me a look and leaned on the door saying,"I think she would. Maybe I don't know Carol as well as you do, but there have been times where she has deliberately distracted you, am I right or no?"

  I replied,"Yes, but Bruce this could be-"

  Bruce chuckled and said,"How? Y/N, the way I see it, she's been around you long enough to figure you out. She knows how you think. She knows how you react to things, and you may have just given her an opening."

  I groaned and pointed at Bruce saying,"Ugh, you may be right, Bruce Wayne. You with your profound knowledge and blue eyes. I guess I should go to him now, huh? Well, after I see Dad."

  Bruce nodded, and I hugged his neck, before he hugged me back.

  I pulled away from the hug and walked into Dad's room, before he smiled at me saying,"Hey, darling. How's your day been?"

  I took his hand and said,"Fine. I'm going to talk to Hal. Pray for me?"

  Dad smiled and nodded, saying a quick prayer for me.

  I gave him a kiss and said,"Love you, daddy. I gotta go."

  Dad understood, and I immediately flew to Coast City. I knocked on Hal's door and he opened it, stepping aside.

  I walked inside and he closed it, then he asked me,"What do you need?"

  I took a deep breath and went to speak, but Hal said,"Let me stop you before you speak. Are you here to tell me you love me?"

  I just said,"If I was, what would be the outcome?"

  Hal chuckled and held out his hand. I walked up to him and rested my hand in his own.

  Hal looked me in the eyes and admitted to me,"The outcome would be I would say "I love you, too," but you don't have to say you love me if you really don't."

  I said,"Well, I actually have loved you for a while and now, you say it back to me."

  Hal smiled and said,"Yes ma'am. Well, I love you, too, Y/N, and I heard what Carol said to you. We're not together. You don't have to worry about that. You have my word."

  I pulled Hal in for a kiss, and Hal gently kissed me back. From the corner of my eye, I spotted Carol and boy, she was not happy.

  Hal noticed her, too, yet he did not pull away from the kiss.

  He mumbled,"Hey, what did I say? Don't worry. I'm still here."

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