Damian Wayne x Reader

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Up next: Tim Drake x Reader

Later: Bruce Wayne x Reader

This Damian Wayne x Reader has been on my heart and mind for a while now. This one goes out to anyone who's been hurt, attempted/thought of suicide, rejected by those who claimed to be there for them, or even just felt like you were alone.

Everyone, I don't write stuff like this just to write them. I write them, because they're common problems. There are people that believe these problems exist, but they do. They happen every single day and if I have a chance to change someone's mind about why they should keep breathing and find those who do love them for them, then that is the most noble thing I can do as I write these stories for y'all. I hope whoever I'm talking to, this helps, and life is worth it. Trust me. Even at your worst moments.


  I could not believe that I had been forced to do a presentation with Y/N. Why couldn't I have been assigned any other person to do the presentation with?
  Trying to pull through, I fixed up my room and there was a knock on the door. I turned and Alfred stood there, with a hand on Y/N's shoulder.

  Alfred said,"Master Damian, I hope you don't mind me guiding Y/N to your room."

  I shook my head and replied,"No, I don't mind. Thank you."

  Alfred nodded and let go of Y/N's shoulder, which was when I noticed the bruises on the left side of her neck.

  She snapped saying,"What? You have something you want to say to me, too?"

  "No. Um...Here, you can sit next to me."

  Y/N slowly sat down next to me and pulled out her stuff. I couldn't help but notice how her hands had dried up blood on them. Her hands were also shaking like she was very afraid of something.

  I quickly averted my gaze from her hands and said,"Since we both like Batman, maybe we could do our presentation on him? Do you have a preference, L/N?"

  Y/N took a piece of paper out of her book bag and handed it over to me.

  When I read it, my eyes widened and I said,"Y/N, I don't think you meant to give me this. Here."

  Y/N slowly placed her hand over my own and replied,"No, I meant to give it to you. I don't have any more friends and I've always been the bully, so you're the only one I can give it to. Damian, p...please read all of it. Please."

  Tears slowly made their way down her face and she tried wiping them away, but the tears kept coming. What Y/N handed me was basically a suicide note and she claimed I was the only one to have seen or read it.
  Y/N and I never really got along, because our personalities clashed very often. Now, she was trusting me with how she had been feeling, and I was the only one who knew.

  Knowing this, I felt honored but also bad because of how I always treated Y/N. She was confiding in me and I had a chance to be, if so, the only decent person in her life.

  After I finished reading the whole note, I took Y/N's hands in my own. However, she pushed my hands away.

  "Sorry, I won't do that again. I just wanted to-"

  Y/N collapsed into my arms and sobbed into my jacket. I had no idea what to do, but I had to comfort her in some way or another.

  I slowly ran my fingers through her hair and said,"It's all right, Y/N. It's all right. You can trust me."

  "I'm sorry for snapping at you. I'm sorry for being rude towards you. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings."

  I made Y/N look at me and replied,"I forgive you. You don't have to end it all, L/N. Just because people have stuff to say about you, it doesn't mean you should listen. Most of them are probably just doing it to make themselves feel better, but they shouldn't. If you choose to fight this feeling off, you can count on me to be there for you. Starting with this presentation."

  Y/N smiled at me and said,"O...Okay. Deal. Batman."

  I looked at her confused and said,"What?"

  "We can do our presentation on Batman. He also motivates me, when I'm feeling low like this. You helped me just now, too."

  I nodded and said,"I'm glad I did, and Batman it is."


  Y/N and I finally finished our presentation. Whenever Y/N found herself getting negative thoughts, I did my best to ensure her that she was worth it and deserved to live just like everyone else.

  I led her to the front door, but Father almost bumped into Y/N.

  Father apologized and said,"I'm sorry."

  Y/N said,"It's okay, Mr. Wayne. I'm Y/N. Nice place."

  Father smiled at her and said,"It's nice to meet you, Y/N. Thank you."

  Y/N turned to face me, and Father noticed her neck. I motioned for him not to say anything and he nodded, trying not to question Y/N.

  Y/N shyly asked me,"Damian, can I...can I call you when I feel like I'm alone?"

  I nodded and said,"Of course. See you, Y/N."

  Y/N hugged me quickly and then left in her ride. I ended up following her home, from a distance, and making sure she made it there safely. After I felt like she was okay, I left and headed home.


   Y/N'S POV

  Things had been going better for me, even if everyone else in the school still treated me like the villain. I always tried apologizing to those that I was rude towards, but everyone acted like they were above me.
  I knew the best thing I could do was try to stay positive and smile at those who did forgive me. I also smiled whenever I walked in, and Damian was waiting for me.

  Just like this very moment.

  Together, we walked to my fifth class of the day.

  Damian said,"Are you going to be okay, Y/N?"

  I nodded and hugged Damian tightly, tears falling down my face.

  Damian hugged me back, and I pulled away from the hug saying,"Thank you for...for being the one person I could rely on. That gave me another chance. That's there for me. I...I owe you everything, Damian."

  Damian took my hand and said,"You don't owe me anything. Ever. Everyone deserves a second chance. Everyone."

  I wiped my tears and said,"You're right. You gave me one."

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