Question x Reader

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Dedicated to timdrake2001.

* Info: He feels insecure about his appearance, and you want to cheer him up.*

Up next: Batman x Reader x Peter Parker

Later: Tim Drake x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  As I rested my head against the wall, there was a knock on the door coming from downstairs. I jogged down the stairs and opened the door to see Dr. Moone.
  I know you have heard of her before, so there was no reason for me to do the whole "backstory" thing. She gave me a quick hug and looked a little exhausted.

  I worriedly asked her,"Everything all right, June?"

  June sighed and said,"No, it is just that Rick and I have a dinner later and I know this is a lot to ask of you, but can you-"

  I cut June off by smiling and saying,"Sure, I will watch the adorable little baby of yours. Where is she?"

  I felt someone playing with my shirt and looked down to see little Alissa in my arms.

  I was confused, until I saw June blow me a kiss yelling,"THANKS, GIRL, I LOVE YOU!"

  I just smiled and blew her a kiss back, before I carried Alissa inside and sat her down in her little play area I made for her.
  This was a normal type of thing for us to spend time together, so I figured I would make my house as safe as possible for when June needed me to look after Alissa.

  Alissa noticed how far away she was from me and I smiled at seeing her frown, before I got off the sofa and held her favorite teddy bear in my hands.
  Alissa smiled and started crawling towards me, before I slowly took more steps back and stopped after a few seconds. Alissa giggled at me making funny faces at her and reached for her teddy bear, before she held him and crawled into my lap.

  I kissed her forehead and made sure she was comfortable, before I wondered when Question would get home.
  He had been feeling a little down lately, and I looked down at Alissa. That's it!! He loved to play with Alissa, but I also knew that he was down because of what happened to him.

  I always told him that I loved him no matter what, but he never looked like he thought so. He knew I would never lie to him, but insecurities are different for everyone. I sighed at the thought, and Alissa looked like she was about to cry.
  I picked her up and carried her into the kitchen, before I changed her diaper and started fixing her bottle. Alissa kept on reaching for it, and I would pull her away from it. She mumbled things under her breath and giggled at me turning it into a game.

  I kissed her cheek and heard the doorbell go off, before I headed to the door and Question walked in.

  I smiled and expected a hug, but he walked right past me and sighed saying,"Hey, Y/N. I am sorry I am late. I promise nothing is wrong."

  I, of course, was happy he at least greeted me, but I did not buy his statement for 2 seconds. I walked over to him and leaned Alissa towards him. She giggled and played with Question's blue hat.
  I smiled when I saw a smile forming on his face, even though I know he was trying his hardest not to let it show.

  Alissa reached for him and I put her in his lap, before I sat down next to Question and leaned on his shoulder saying,"I really missed you. Alissa and I were really worried, and I thought that you had gotten caught up again."

  Question played with Alissa and said,"I missed you, too. How long has Alissa been here?"

  I kissed her little forehead saying,"About 2 hours now. I know you have been feeling down, Babe, and you have not told me. I would do anything to take back what the Council did to you, but you cannot go back even if you wanted to. I know I cannot physically see your eyes or even your nose, but I can see your heart and that is all that matters. I will love you no matter what you look like, and no guy will ever change that. I do not even care if Batman walked in here and asked me out, even if he is hot."

  Question groaned and I giggled softly, before I smiled over at Question saying,"Thank you, Y/N. I feel better already. I love you."

  I kissed Question's cheek and said,"I love you, most. Want to watch Little Einsteins with Alissa? It is her favorite."

  Question laughed and wrapped an arm around me, before I smiled and turned on Little Einsteins. I probably enjoyed it more than Alissa, because it brought back memories for me. Every time.

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