Damian Wayne x Reader x Speed

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Up next: Tim Drake x Reader x Human Torch

Later: Red Hood x Reader x Wolverine

    Y/N'S POV

  As I sat down at my favorite coffee shop in the world, well in Gotham, I noticed something fast coming my way.

  I rolled my eyes and thought,"Better not be Barry trying to run me around the block again!! I am still dizzy from the last time."

  I looked closer and realized the figure's colors were not red and yellow, but he was not exactly wearing a suit either. It was regular clothes. He seemed to have lost his balance and ran into a nearby table.

  I caught myself but rushed over to his side.

  I helped him up, asking him, still amused from the scene,"Are you okay? I take it you are not from Gotham, huh?"

  He held his head and groaned, asking me,"Gotham? What is that?"

  I looked at him confused, before I brushed off his clothes for him.

  He thanked me and looked around saying,"Whoa, I am definitely not home anymore. Who are you and where am I again?"

  Wow, this is new for me.

  I held out my hand and chuckled saying,"I am Y/N, but I promise I am not going to hurt you. What is your name, speedster?"

  He shook my hand and sent me a flirtatious smile saying,"I am Thomas, but you can call me Tommy. You have a beautiful name."

  I blushed and said,"Thank you, but I have a boyfriend. So, are you gifted, too?"

  Thomas chuckled and walked with me saying,"Yes, actually. My mother is Scarlet Witch, who is very important where I come from. I am also a twin, and the other one is named William. We have many things in common, but there are somethings you just want to have for yourself, you know?"

  I nodded and smiled at Thomas saying,"I know exactly how you feel, Tommy. Can I go with Tommy?"

  Thomas nodded and winked at me  saying,"Sure, gorgeous. He must be your boyfriend."

  I followed Thomas' gaze, and Damian had his nose scrunched up. Clearly, he was upset and mad.
  Right, I was supposed to call him and tell him where I was.

  I walked up to him and went to say something, but Damian took my hand and said,"We are leaving, Y/N. Who is this?"

  Thomas dashed over to my side, before he smirked saying,"I am Thomas Shepherd. Nice to meet you, jealous boyfriend."

  I giggled softly, which made Thomas smile and Damian roll his eyes.

  Damian got in Thomas' face saying,"Do not push it, Shepherd. I will not hesitate to put you down, no matter where you come from!!"

  Thomas scoffed and rolled his eyes, before he angrily said,"Is that a challenge?"

  I quickly separated the boys, before I chuckled nervously saying,"Guys, let's not do this. Thomas, can you give us a minute?"

  Thomas nodded and shook my hand, dashing away. I thought he was gone, only to see him sitting down at one of the available tables and reading a magazine.

  I giggled softly, before I turned to Damian and said,"Do not even think about saying anything, Dami. You listen to me and listen well."

  Damian sighed and nodded, before I cupped his face saying,"Show Thomas some respect, okay? He is not your enemy, nor is he going to back down without a fight. Damian, he is far away from home and needs help getting back to where he comes from. Please do not make this harder for him, because he probably misses his friends, too. Please."

  Damian gave in and kissed me saying,"I am sorry, L/N. All right, I will make a few calls and work something out."

  I smiled and gave Damian multiple kisses. Damian smiled in return.
  Effortlessly, Thomas dashed over to us.

  He asked us,"So, what is the plan?"

  I smirked and guided Thomas over to a platform, before I said,"Would you mind running around the block for me, Tommy? I promise I am not using you, I just want to see something real quick."

  Thomas nodded and sent me a wink saying,"Anything for you, babe. All right, just tell me when to go."

  I waited a few seconds, which I knew drove Thomas crazy.

  I giggled and yelled,"GO!!"

  Thomas sped off, which caused me to lose my balance. I caught myself and made him run around the block a few times. I calculated his speed and realized that there were some similarities between Barry and Thomas' speed velocity and other important factors that played into their respective abilities. There were differences, too, but enough to which I could think of a way to get Thomas back home.

  After Thomas stopped, he said exhausted,"So, what was that for again?"

  I chuckled and patted his back saying,"I just figured out your way back home."

  Thomas let out a sigh of relief and kissed my hand. I blushed and Thomas apologized, yet he smirked and looked to the side. I gently pushed him, before I felt a familiar presence beside me.

  I turned and saw Barry, before he nodded to me saying,"What is this about, Y/N? Everything okay?"

  I motioned over to Thomas saying,"Barry, this is Thomas Shepherd. Let's just say: he is a long way from home and needs to be there more than anything. Think you can help him out?"

  Barry smirked and shook Thomas' hand saying,"My pleasure, Y/N. Let's see what you have got kid."

  Thomas smiled slightly, before Barry and him got in their starting positions. I yelled go, before they sped off. It was the coolest thing ever witnessing their speeds aligning with each other, before I noticed an opening off in the distance. Thomas' way home.
  Before Thomas left, he looked back and sent me a wink. I blew him a kiss in return. He sort of lost his balance and I giggled, before he smiled and went through to his home. Barry sent me a wave, before he made his way back to Central City.

  Damian walked up behind me and said,"I cannot believe I am saying this, but I am going to miss Shepherd."

  "Yeah, me, too, baby. C'mon, let's go home."

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