Black Adam x Reader

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Dedicated to  shazam_billy_batson

Up next: Bat-Family x Sick Reader

Later: The Riddler x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  "So, how did your fight go with Shazam today? Did you win?"

  Adam sent me a look, and I giggled saying,"I am going to take that as a "no" then. Hey, I made dinner, if you want it. If you're not too good for that sort of thing."

  I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck saying,"It is good to have you home. Look, I am sorry about bringing up Kahndaq the other day. That was stupid of me. Forgive me?"

  Adam nodded and wrapped his arms around my own replying,"I forgave you yesterday. Yes, I do want dinner. Thank you."

  I pulled him to the table and made him sit down. I sat his plate down in front of him and just stared at him for a moment.

  He noticed and asked me,"Did I do something wrong?"

  I asked him,"Do you miss your wife and children that you lost?"

  I brought up Kahndaq again, and I really just wanted to know. I wanted him to talk to me. It was already nice to have him not so enraged and hostile, like he was known for being around Shazam and the other heroes. He was actually in a good mood today.

  Adam looked me in the eyes and said,"Yes, I do, but...I am trying to move on with you. I will not let anything happen to you or our family."

  I blushed and reminded him,"We don't have any kids. Well, not that I know of."

  He smirked at me and ate his dinner saying,"I know, but we will one day. I will be an excellent father."

  I took his hand and said,"I know. Adam, it is okay to need space every once and a while. Just let me know that you are okay when you do need it, okay?"

  He nodded and kissed my hand, holding it, while we both finished the last of our dinner. He voluntarily washed the dishes, and I cleaned up the dining room.

  After we got through, I sat down in his lap.

  He then asked me,"If I were to try to good from now on, would that cause you to not worry as much?"

  When I understood what he meant, I kissed his cheek and admitted to him,"Yes, because I know there is some good in you, and I know you could be useful to some hero group out there. Adam, your powers...your abilities are extraordinary. The choice is up to you. You make your own decisions. Either way, I will do my best to support you."

  He rested his forehead against my own and let out a sigh saying,"I love you."

  I pecked his lips and said,"I love you, too. I love you, too."

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