Hal Jordan x Reader

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Dedicated to ArtemisSnowfall and PrinceJai. This Hal Jordan x Reader is based off of MKTO's song Classic. I hope you all love this one!! R.I.P. Prince, Michael Jackson, and our many other legacies that have died throughout the years!! They'll never be forgotten!

Up next: Bart Allen x Reader

Later: Oliver Queen x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  As I walked through the halls of the Watchtower, my older brother, Bruce Wayne, gladly showed me around. Of course, no one else was here, besides from the Original Seven. Well, there were other League members here, just not where Bruce and I were at right now. I almost got lost, but luckily, Bruce grabbed me and kept a hold of my arm.

  I blushed in embarrassment and said,"I am so sorry, Brucie. I understand if I have to go back home now."

  Bruce shook his head and held my face saying,"No, it is fine, Y/N. Come on, there is something I need to do first."

  I nodded and tightly held on to Bruce's hand. Bruce just smiled to himself, before we finally stopped walking. I would like to apologize, because I was really lazy; especially, when it came to walking.
  Bruce chuckled and kissed my cheek, then he motioned for me to sit down in the chair. I let out a sigh of relief and gladly sat down. Bruce walked over to the computer, and I heard footsteps, followed by the team walking in.

  Flash dashed over to me and spun me around saying,"Y/N, I have not seen you in such a long time! How have you been?"

  I giggled and smiled saying,"I have been fine, Barry, thank you. What about Iris and you?"

  Flash put his hands on his hips and confidently said,"We have been fine, Ms. Wayne. I believe a certain someone was looking for you. Maybe a Hal Jordan."

  My face immediately lit up, and I spotted Hal inside the training room. I squealed and went to run towards him, but a strong hand pulled me back.

  I sighed and pouted saying,"Brucee."

  Bruce chuckled but carefully tightened his grip on my arm saying,"What did we talk about, N/N?"

  I rolled my eyes, but I did not see another way out of explaining this thing to Bruce.

  I mumbled,"Make sure to be on my best behavior and do not let Hal take advantage of me."

  Bruce chuckled and held out his hands.

  I smiled and held Bruce's hands tightly, asking him,"Bruce, can I please go see my boyfriend now?"

  Bruce let go of me, gently pushing me forward. I smiled and gave him a kiss, before I ran towards Hal.

  Hal did not notice me yet, but I giggled hearing Clark say,"Bruce, when did you become such a softie?"

  When I made it to Hal, I immediately tackled him and attacked him in kisses.

  Hal chuckled but relaxed saying,"Hey, baby. I missed you."

  I blushed and rested my head on Hal's chest saying,"I missed you, too, Lantern. I missed you, too. What are you up to?"

  Hal helped me up and guided me through the long and basic hallways of the Watchtower.

  I swung our hands, as Hal chuckled saying,"Nothing much, babe, besides from getting ready for our date. I think you will love it, beautiful."

  I smiled up at Hal, before he pulled me close and leaned in slowly.

  I did, too, but we were interrupted by a voice saying,"Excuse me. I do believe I need to get through."

  I turned and saw The Question with his hands in his pockets. My cheeks immediately flushed with color, before I pulled Hal and I over to the side.

  Hal smirked and stroked my cheek lovingly saying,"You look so adorable when you blush, darling. I love it."

  That caused me to blush even more, which caused Hal to pull me close and nuzzle his nose against my own.

  He kissed my nose softly, before he asked me,"Ready to go, N/N?"

  I nodded and intertwined my fingers with Hal's, before Hal led us back to Earth, specifically the best restaurant in Coast City. It was the nearest city, and plus, Hal seemed too tired to go anywhere else.
  I completely understand, because he was a hard-working man and I doubt he had gotten any sleep in a while. Hal led me inside the restaurant, before he got our table and helped me sit down. I smiled and kissed his jaw, before Hal blushed and sat down in front of me.

  He took my hands over the table and said,"Would you care to dance, Y/N? I know we have not eaten yet, but it will be worth it, I promise."

  I immediately gave Hal my hand, before he pulled me to the dance floor.
"Classic" by MKTO came on, and I loved this song!! Hal turned me around and pulled me against his chest, then he held out his hands for me. I smiled and intertwined my fingers back with Hal's; however, Hal placed reassuring kisses all over my hands.

  I smiled big at Hal. Hal sent me a wink in return. As the song played, I enjoyed my moment with Hal. I knew that I would always be important to him, no matter who stood in the way. Plus, it was rare that we got to spend time together like this, so I would get the most out of this.

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