Jason Todd x Reader

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Up next: Hank Hall (Hawk) x Reader

Later: Terry McGinnis x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  As I listened to music, someone took the earphones out of my ears.

  I groaned and said,"Jason, really? What do you want?"

  "How did you know I did it?"

  I chuckled and wiped the dust off his shoulder saying,"You're the only one who likes interrupting me when I'm listening to music."

  When I tried to grab my earphones, Jason gently grabbed my wrist and said,"No. Y/N, I need to speak with you about something. It's important."

  I looked down at Jason's hand and he let go of my wrist, before I laughed saying,"Oh, Todd, I know you're scared of me, but it's okay. I'm not going to throw you out the window."

  Jason rolled his eyes and said,"N/N, really. Are you going to listen to me?"

  I sat down in his lap and looked up at him, giving him my attention.

  He cleared his throat and said,"You didn't go to your prom, right?"

  I shook my head and sadly replied,"No. No one asked me, and I never really had any solid friends to go with. I just spent it crying to myself and watching Leonardo DiCaprio all day."

  Jason nodded and ran his fingers through my hair saying,"What if you had the opportunity to go with me? Would you go?"

  I instantly gripped his arm and said,"W...What? How? What are you saying?"

  Jason took my hand and led me to the ballroom. There, I became lost for words.

  Jason looked forward and said,"Well, what's your answer?"

  I was still at a loss for words. Jason...Jason wanted me to go to prom with him. I'm guessing it wasn't an actual prom, but one Jason put together for us. Here at Wayne Manor.

  I bent over and put my hands on my knees. Jason glanced over at me and thought something was wrong. Immediately, he held on to me and kept asking me what's wrong.

  I said,"Jase, I...I don't even know what to say. You're...You're spectacular. I...Of course, I'll be your prom date."

  Jason smiled and I pulled myself together, before Barb and Stephanie helped me with picking out a dress. After I found the right one, I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror.

  Stephanie smiled saying,"You look beautiful, Y/N."

  I thanked Stephanie, and Barb and Stephanie took me back to Wayne Manor. I walked into my room to switch out my shoes, but Bruce was sitting on my bed.

  I said,"Hey, Bruce. Is everything okay?"

  He smiled at me and stood to his feet saying,"You look wonderful, Y/N. Here."

  I gently stopped Bruce and switched out my shoes, before I said,"Okay, I'm ready."

  Bruce said,"Hold this for me."

  I took the small box from Bruce, before he opened it. When I noticed what was inside, I held back tears.

  They...They were really serious about taking care of me. They...They were going all out of their way for me.

  Bruce took the box out of my hands and put it down, then he placed the corsage on my wrist. He made sure it was tight enough, and then I just hugged him.

  He returned my hug and said,"Don't get all emotional on me, Y/N. You're scaring me."

  I laughed and he smiled at me, before he led me to Jason.

  Jason's eyes widened, and Dick said,"Oo, I want her to be my date. Jason, let's switch."

  I smiled at Dick and he sent me a wink, before Jason said,"You look great. I mean, you look beautiful, very beautiful."

  I thanked him, and he led me to the ballroom. Jason and I first danced together, ate some food, and then we danced again. Alfred even joined in with getting a dance with me, which made me smile.
  After my "prom night" was over, I just looked over at Jason and said,"You really outdid yourself this time, Todd, and I love you from the very bottom of my heart. No one's ever gone out of their way for me like this. Ever. I want you to know that I would do the same thing for you, no matter what it was. I don't even know how to follow up to this."

  Jason smiled and placed a kiss on my lips saying,"You don't have to do anything for me. It was my choice to do this for you. I don't expect anything in return from you. All I want is for you to know that I love you."

  I hugged Jason's neck and said,"I know you love me. I'm gonna make it up to you, Todd, even though you expect nothing. I still want to do something for you."

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