Barry Allen x Reader

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Dedicated to gothamxgal. This Barry Allen x Reader is based off the song "Closer" by the Chainsmokers feat. Halsey.

Up next: Oliver Queen x Reader

Later: Dick Grayson x Reader x Jason Todd

   Y/N'S POV

  I fixed my hair, as Iris fixed the back of my dress. I apologized to Iris, because she should have been spending time with Joe. I was taking up more of her time than I wanted to.

  Iris waved it off and smiled saying,"No worries, Y/N. Did you wash your hair?"

  I pouted and sighed saying,"No, I was going to, but I got lazy and decided I would do it tomorrow. Do you think you can fix it? Make me look amazing?"

  Iris smirked down at me and nodded saying,"Yes, ma'am, I sure can. This is THE Iris West you are talking to."

  I smiled and felt relieved on the inside. Iris began to work on my hair, while I made sure I kept still. Patiently, I waited for her to finish. When Iris was done, she stepped back and turned me around. I squealed and kissed both of her cheeks in thank you.  
  Iris bowed and I did it back, before I thanked her again and ran down the stairs. It was amazing that I could do it in heels, but I did not just do it in any heels; they were red heels. You know how Barry wore red.

  I stood up straight and grabbed my purse, before I checked the time. Barry had exactly 1 minute and 30 seconds to get here.
  Let's see how long Mr. Allen took. Would he make it or would he fail at being fast enough? This had turned into an interesting event, and I was curious as to how long it took Barry to get here.

  At exactly 30 seconds left, Barry dashed into my apartment and handed me flowers. Instantly, I sent him a look.

  Barry groaned and took my hand saying,"C'mon, Y/N! I was on time! I got stuck helping HR and I am fine, by the way!"

  I giggled and pulled Barry closer saying,"Aww, cheer up, Allen. You are on-time, and I thank you for that. I am glad you are okay, because I do not know what I would do if something happened to you."

  Barry smiled and wrapped his arms around me, before he kissed my nose and asked me,"Ready, Mrs. L/N?"

  I nodded and wrapped my arms around Barry's neck saying,"Always, Flash, always. Do not run too fast, because I do not want a repeat of last time. I would hate to ruin your suit."

  Barry rolled his eyes and picked me up, then he raced us to his place. Why we were here, I had no idea. Barry gently set me down and watched me for a second. I knew why he did this. Barry was afraid I would throw up again, so he wanted to be prepared.

  I kissed Barry's cheek saying,"You are so cute, Barry. I am ready to go."

  I held out my arms for Barry, but Barry looked at me confused, and I pouted saying,"You are not going to run us there? Baby..."

  Barry laughed and lifted my chin saying,"No, beautiful. We are taking the car today. I am pretty exhausted, and I would not want to pass out during our date. Next time, okay?"

  I nodded and Barry brought my hands up to his face, before he kissed my knuckles and led me to his car. I sat in the back seat and noticed Barry looking at me through the mirror.
  I stuck my tongue out at him, before he just smiled and drove to the restaurant.

  When I noticed we were at my favorite restaurant, I squealed yelling,"FLASH, NO YOU DID NOT?!!"

  Barry quickly fixed his tie, before he opened the door and sat down beside me in the back seat.

  I looked at him confused, before he rested his hand on my cheek and asked me,"You sure you are not upset about missing your friend's party for this?"

  I put my hand over Barry's and leaned in saying,"Positive, Allen."

  Barry smiled and pulled me closer, before I immediately kissed him. Barry laughed and kissed back, before I wrapped my arms around his neck and enjoyed the moment. It was broken when the car door opened, and I broke away from the kiss to see Cisco standing there.

  He rolled his eyes and said,"For real? We have been waiting for you guys for like an hour now!! I know this is your date, but some of us like to eat!"

  I giggled and Cisco gave me a look, before Barry rolled his eyes and led me out of the car.

  I messed up Cisco's hair, before I smirked saying,"You need to fix your sleeves, Ramon. Do not want to get dirty, now do we?"

  Cisco wanted to say something back, but Barry pulled me inside and kissed my cheek saying,"Honey, stop bothering him. I do not want any trouble today."

  I pouted at Barry and playfully asked him,"Since when have I gotten into any trouble?"

  Barry looked slightly annoyed, when he said,"That time you thought it was a good idea to throw my PlayStation out the window after I did not answer you."

  I rolled my eyes this time and responded back saying,"Next time, answer me and your PlayStation will not get thrown out the window!! All you have to do is use your words. It is why I fell in love with you anyway. You talk a lot, but you are always so honest and brave."

  Barry smiled down at me and I rested my hand on his chest, before he put his forehead on mine saying,"I love you, Y/N."

  I kissed Barry's nose saying,"I love you more."

  Barry led us over to the table, and I sat down beside Caitlin. Julian shook my hand, because I never really knew whether he wanted a hug or just a handshake.
  When Joe made it to the table, I immediately got up and hugged him.
Joe hugged back, and I was not ready to let go of him yet.

  Joe laughed and kissed my forehead saying,"Oh, I missed you, too, N/N. Is Barry treating you okay?"

  I said,"We can talk about that later. What do you think about me joining the force?"

  Joe and Barry said at the same time,"Absolutely not."

  I rolled my eyes and Joe laughed, before I finally pulled away from the hug. With that, I took a seat.
  Barry wrapped an arm around me, while I leaned on his shoulder. What was I going to tell Barry about that shirt of his that I spilled pink paint all over?

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