He's Always There to Save the Day

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Jason wouldn't admit that he needed help. That was always his problem. He had been the problem child of the family, the outcast. That's what lead to him being tied up in an abandoned farm house twenty miles from Gotham city. He was lead here believing that some stupid gang members were doing a drug trade but it was all a trap so some jackass batman fanboy could try and find out Batman's identity.

"Let me go kid"
The kid had ginger curly hair and was unbelievably skinny. Pimples covered his face and he had large rimmed glasses. His shirt read'Batman's next Robin"
"No sir re. If I let you go then Batman won't come"
"He's not going to show. He and I aren't really friends.."
"Oh but Batman saves EVERYONE! No villain nor foe would he let die!"
The kid was starting to get on Jason's nerves.
"You know he isn't even that good"
That pissed him off. The fanboy turned cold and glared at Jason.
"How dare you?! Batman is the best!"
Jason laughed. He was going to have fun with this. But just before he could continue to annoy his captor Nightwing flew down and knocked the little punk out.

"About time you showed up"
"A 'thank you' would be nice"
Dick began to untie Jason. They both looked down at the kid.
"He looks like Tim"
Jason cackled and Dick hit him in the arm.
"I'd like to stay and have some mushy moment but I gotta fly Dikiebird"
Dick smiled and hugged his brother.
"It was good to see you Jason"

Jason was on his bike and speeding through Gotham. He secretly loved how Dick came to his rescue and sometimes he'd get caught on purpose..

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