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Dick and Tim had an argument. Or rather, Dick did something stupid and Tim got angry. Now Tim wouldn't speak to Dick and pretended he doesn't exist and it's been a WEEK! Dick was going nuts! So he came up with a plan..

"Alfie where's Tim?" Dick asked the Wayne butler. "I'm afraid master Timothy isn't here at the moment. He's in school. Would you like me to give him a message, master Dick?" Alfred asked over the phone, sounding as posh as ever. Dick grinned. "No thanks. Later, Alfie." Dick was about to hang up when he heard the man's voice. "Please don't do anything stupid." It sounded more like a pray than a request.

Dick came into Gotham High School but they wouldn't let him in.. So he did the only logical thing to do.. Dress up as a teacher. He walked into Tim's Math class. Tim saw Dick and did a double take then sunk into his seat, wishing the ground would swallow him whole. Dick put his empty brief case on top of the desk. "Hello, I'm Mr Grayson but you can call me Dick-" Pupils laughed. "And I'm not a substitute teacher.. I'm Timothy Drake-Wayne's brother!" Everyone looked at Tim who turned red. "I've come to apologise. And to help I've got a bouncy castle outside-" Everyone besides Tim and Dick ran to the window to see the large castle that is filled with fun.

"I also have.. Your girlfriend in a sexy costume with a HORSE!" Stephanie walked into the classroom dressed just as Dick described and Tim glared at her. Why was she playing along?! Along with her came a horse.. Not a real one.. It was Damian and Jason dressed in a damn horse costume. "Todd you stink!" Damian yelled then a burp was heard from the stupid consume. Dick walked over to Tim's desk and got onto his knees. He gave the puppy eyes and cried. "Please forgive me, Timmy! I didn't mean to say you were getting fat!" Tim rolled his eyes. Dick obviously didn't remember why they were fighting but he smiled and nodded. "Alright, Dick, I forgive you-" Tim was crushed into a hug.

From then on, Tim was talked about for a long time..
"His brother's nuts.. I heard he escaped from the phsyco place-"
"That horse looked funny AND could speak English!"
"His girlfriend is hot AF."
"Tim hasn't put on any weight.."

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