Reasons You Never Let Dick Grayson Pick You Up from School

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1. He never shuts up.
Damian hates when his big brother picks him up from school. When he steps foot outside the school doors his big brother has a fog horn and is screaming, "LITTLE D! DAMiAN WAYNE Is MY LITTLE BROTHER!" Damian has to hide his face and the other kids are laughing at him.

2. He makes me ride in his side car.
Instead of having a normal car, Dick Grayson drives a motor bike with a sidecar and he looks ridiculous. Damian is forced to sit in a pink side car because Dick loves bargains and getting one that matched his bike would 'cost too much money.' Even though Bruce pays for everything!

3. He's a terrible driver.
It's a miracle he passed his damn driving test! He drives everywhere and almost ran over a cat! Damian has to go to therapy because he's traumatised.

4. He's a flirt.
When Damian was ridding home in that damn side car they stopped at a red light. Dick looked to the right lane to see a woman on her bike. She gave him a wave and he winked at her. Damian looked at the side car to see a kid his age in the woman's side car dressed as Robin. The irony was sadly hilarious. The light seemed to stay the same colour forever as Dick just continued to wink and it looked like he had something wrong with his eye. "TT." Damian was going to give Grayson a black eye.

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