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"Dick? It's Jason.."

Dick dropped the phone. He was in complete shock. He was only eighteen and still with the Titans. He hadn't been in much contact with Bruce since he joined the Titans. He did replace him after all. His eyes widened and his mind couldn't rap around the fact that he was.. Gone..

He had so many regrets. He didn't get to know Jason because he was jealous. All the times Bruce called him to ask for help to tutor Jason or help him be less reckless and every time Dick would say no because he was jealous. When he was with Bruce he wouldn't really talk to Jason even though he called him his hero. He was a hero to someone when he didn't deserve to be.

"Bruce-" Dick was caught off guard when Bruce rapped his arms around him and gave him a hug. He leaned into the hug. This was really affecting Bruce and that was because it was all his fault.

He didn't talk at Jason's funeral. What could he possibly say? That he was sorry? That he missed him? Instead, Dick visited his little brother every week. The first time he went he left his Robin mask. "Hey babybird," Dick gave a smile. "Bruce has gotten a little.. Reckless since you died.. I- I've been doing better.. I found this mask. It's the first one I've ever had. I want you to have it. I should have been there for you. I could have.. I'm so- so sorry.."

It should have been me. Dick shed a few tears. From then on he promised to be more protective of the people he cared about and when Tim and Damian came into his life he kept them on a tight leash.

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