Back In My Day..

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"Back in my day-" Tim and Damian groaned. "I am sick about hearing about what people did in 'your day' Grayson. Can't you see times have changed since the 1800's?" Damian snapped and Dick gave a half hearted glare. "I am not that old!" Dick protested. "What're you all blabbering about?" Jason asked as he walked into the Batcave. "Dick's going on about how the times have changed and is being ridiculous." Tim rolled his eyes. "He's right."
"WHAT?!" All three men yelled as they stared at Jason in shock.

"I have an idea!" Dick sing-songed and everyone groaned. "On no." Dick smiled. "Jason and I will teach you all about back In our day.."

Damian was dressed in clothing kids wore during the second world wore and Tim was dressed in clothing from the 80's/70's. They both looked ridiculous. "Now. Back in my day we talked in such a manner. Repeat after me.." Dick cleared his throat then said, "What's buzzin' cousin?" Damian and Tim broke out in a fit of laughter.

Dick glared. "You guys are NOT the bee's knees." Another laugh. Even Jason was laughing. "You are so old you walked into an antique shop and were sold." They laughed. "Good one, Drake. "You're so old that if you acted your own age you would die." Dick was getting sick of these damn jokes! "You're so old you took your driving test on a dinosaur. (Imagine Dick on a dinosaur XD)

Ever since Dick tried to teach the others about the glory of his own era everyone made damn old jokes. He went to the only person he knew would understand his pain. "I don't get it, Alfie. Why are they saying we're so old? I'm only twenty one!" Alfred smirked. "I don't know what you mean by 'we'. After all, you are so old that your birth certificate expired." Alfred gave a giggle and Dick glared at him. "I'm TWENTY ONE!"

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