Old Cat Lady

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Dick was in his costume as he ran around Gotham fighting crime. He heard a cry coming from the road and raced to save the poor person. Turns out, it wasn't a person at all.. It was a cat that was about to be hit by a car. He saved the kitty and took him home. "Grayson, why is there another cat in the manor?!" Damian demanded. He was the only Robin aloud to have pets and there couldn't be TWO Batcats! Dick gave a sneeze as he pet the ginger cat. "This is George. I-SNEEZE- Found him." Damian gave Dick a disgusted look. "You better not give me your flu."

Dick then found out that there was a lot more stray cats in Gotham than he had known. And if he was going to save the people of Gotham then it wouldn't hurt to save the cats of Gotham too. Soon he had twenty cats roaming the Batcave and everyone was getting sick of finding their capes torn or a surprise in their shoes. Dick was having a sneezing fit as he played with them in the Batcave. Jason came in with a cat in his arms and a pissed off look, "Dick! I didn't want to have a shower with your cat!" Dick carefully took the cat from Jason's arms. "You could have killed poor Coco!" Jason gave him an exasperated look. "Your 'poor' Coco almost killed me and my manhood!"

"Grayson!" Both men looked up to see Damian carrying his own cat, Alfred and was being followed by his dog, Titus and Batcow. "Your damn cats are bothering Alfred, Titus and Batcow! I demand that you get rid of them." Alfred gave a meow of approval. "No way! These are my babies!" Then, Tim came down and had a cup of coffee in his hand. "This is getting out of hand. I just found a hair ball in my coffee!" Dick clung one of his cats to his chest and had another coughing fit. The other three Robins looked at one another. "Thank God, hopefully he'll die and then we can get rid of these annoying cats!" Damian smirked and the others slowly moved away from the diabolical demon child. "Dick are you ok? You've been sneezing ever since you got those cats. Maybe you're allergic?" Tim asked and Dick jumped. "No way! You just want me to get rid of my babies-SNEEZE.

A month later Dick Grayson went missing. A week after that his brothers found him in his apartment surrounded by cats and looking like a strawberry..

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