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Wally West was eating out of the fridge at Mount Justice when he heard Dick Grayson, his best friend laughing. Shit. He didn't think anyone else was in. Artemis was going to kill him for eating her lunch.

He peeked round the corner to see Dick sitting on the sofa talking to Roy Harper. Wally's eyes widened as the chicken leg he had in his mouth fell to the ground. Dick was CHEATING! The dirty no good hero!

Wally sped up to them. Both boys saw the speedster and smiled. "Hi, Wally." Roy greeted but was met with a glare. "Is something wrong?" Dick asked and Wally shot him a glare. "How dare you, Richard John Grayson! I have been your best friend for THREE years and the first chance you get you cheat on ME!" Roy and Dick turned to each other and burst out laughing.

"Wally, you're over reacting. I'm aloud to have more than one friend and-" Dick didn't get to finish his sentence as Wally grabbed Roy and kissed him square on the lips. Everyone but Wally were in shock. Wally let go of Roy and he fell to the floor and began to yell about not liking guys and how he was going to kill Wally but no one paid him any attention. Dick's eyes slit and he glared at the red headed teen.

"Wally! You're the one who just cheated in front of me!"
"At least I have the honesty to do it to your face!"
"I wasn't cheating!" Dick sobbed and Wally lost his glare. He sat down beside Dick and tried to cheer him up. "No, it was a stupid kiss! It didn't mean anything! Here I'll show you!"
Wally grabbed Dick and kissed him.

"Wally, what the hell?!" Artemis yelled as she, M'gann and Connor walked in to catch the friends kissing. M'gann couldn't help a giggle and Connor looked weirded out. Wally and Dick turned to Artemis. "No, babe it isn't what it looks like! It was to prove I'm his best friend!"
"Yeah, ask Roy!" Dick said. Everyone turned to Roy who smirked. (Now he could get his revenge.) "they were going to go to Conner's room!" Connor glared.
"I can't say I'm surprised" Artemis said and Dick and Wally blushed. This was not how they planned their day to go.

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