The Boys

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Little Dick Grayson had been Bruce Wayne's side kick for over five months now and every two weeks sat board waiting for Bruce to finish his JLA meeting. He HATED waiting for Bruce because he took forever. When he walked in this time though the league members were outside the meeting room as usual, waiting for everyone to show up.
"You're in for a treat little fellow"
Green Lantern ruffled Dick's hair:
The Flash and Green Arrow walked in but this time they were different. Beside Barry was a kid who was probably younger than Dick (and Roy). He had ginger hair and was dressed in a suit similar to the Flashes only with red and yellow. He looked so excited that he could soil himself.

And next to Arrow was also a boy with ginger hair but his age matched Dick's. He was dressed in red with a yellow bag on his back that held an arrow set. Dick became excited. He could finally make friends!
"Dick meet Wally and Roy"
Dick smiled and waved.
"You're a super hero too?"
"What's your super power?!"
"Uh..I can kick butt"
Wally sped around Dick so many times then shook the poor kid's hand as he looked so afraid.
Dick gives him a confused glance before turning to Roy who just looks as confused. Pushing Wally out of the way, Roy extends a hand to Dick.
"I'm Roy AKA Speedy"
Dick shook his hand.

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