Why Do YOU Love Dick Grayson?

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Why do you love Dick Grayson?
Bruce: I'm Batman.. h-he's my son.. my first. He.. I'm Batman!

Why do you love Dick Grayson?
Alfred: master Dick brings a certain shine to the manor that it was lacking when it was only myself and master Bruce. Although, at first I was skeptical of master Bruce raising a child, but he has been nothing but a star that lights up our cloudy night sky. Master Dick is a son to me and he has made my life as a butler a far more pleasant one.

What do you love about Dick Grayson?
Jason: I do NOT love Dick! I don't even like him! (Jason looks around and makes sure no one is around.) He's an idiot, he's clumsy.. but he isn't a bad brother. Actually, he's a pretty damn good one.. he always makes sure we're ok and- WAIT?! What the hell am I saying?! (Jason storms off.) I'm going to put a bullet in his head! He's making me sound soft!..

Why do you love Dick Grayson?
Tim: Dick helped me convince Bruce to let me be Robin. As a kid he was also someone I looked up to. I don't think I could really survive my life without him.. or a cup of coffee. But Dick, although he does sometimes make my life a hell, by ruining my relationships. He's sweet and a great brother. But if I had to choose between him and coffee?.. what? I didn't say I was a good brother!

Why do you love Dick Grayson?
Wally: He's been my best friend since we first started out in the whole hero gig. He helps me in my stupid skeems. Do you think Artemis would let me go swimming with dolphins or stealing hot air balloons and become the king of a small village in Kentucky? No. Dick is my accomplice. He's someone who understands me.. (Are you in love with Dick?) WHAT?! (Blushes) What kind of interview is this?!

Do you love Dick Grayson?
Damian: I don't know what you are talking about! (Folds arms and glares.) I am an ASSASSIN and the biological son of Batman. I am a machine. Love isn't in my dictionary. (Blushes.) B-But there was this one time, Grayson bought me a cat and that was real nice of him and.. NO! I do NOT like Grayson. And do you know why?! He is loud, always thinks of others, has stupid nick names for other people.. and.. he shows compassion towards me.. he makes me feel.. like I belong..

(Whelp. It's been a fun journey. I can't believe I have this book finally complete. Thanks to everyone who read, favourited and commented! Keep loving Dick Grayson and long live his wacky life!)

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