Just Hold On

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Dick was in his apartment in Blüdhaven when he got a call from Bruce.

"Hiya, B. What can I do for you?" He asked and waited for the reply.

"Tim's unwell and is currently in hospital-" Dick didn't even hear the end of the conversation as he hopped onto his bike and sped off.

"It's only a minor operation. There's no need to worry. Hello? Dick?!"

Dick was still in his bathrobe, stripped underwear and a white tank top as he sped through the streets of Gotham city. On his way to Gotham hospital. When he got inside he started shouting like a crazy man. The receptionist called security and he was being trailed out the door when Bruce and Alfred came in. They told the security that he was ok. Once they told him Tim was on the fifth floor, they went to go get coffee.

Dick climbed up 102 stairs and raced into the hospital room with the name Tim Drake-Wayne. He jumped onto the bed and strangled Tim into a hug. Tim was gasping for air and the heart monitor went up because Dick scared the life out of him. When he finally released Tim he sobbed.

"Tim! I'm so SO sorry. I lost Jason when he was Robin and I wasn't there for him and I felt so damn bad but I have a bond with you and before you die I want you to know I love you so much and you're my favourite Robin- don't tell anyone I told you that- now go! Die in peace! You will live on in my heart!"

He looked at Tim who turned pale. "Geez, calm down, Dick. I'm not dying. I'm only getting my tonsils out"

Dick opened one eye and looked at him. "Wait. You aren't dying?"

"No, did you drive all the way here?!"

"No, I was... I need a minute. Nurse! Can you check my blood pressure?!"

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