He's a Ladies Man Part 2

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Oh what a marvellous story friend Barbara! Would you both like to hear a tale from when Dick and I began to do the dating?"
"You bet!"
Helena smiled.
"We had just joined the Titans.."

"This is the team that will protect this world from Trigon"
Raven said as she spoke to the team that consisted of Dick, Kori, Beast Boy, Wally West, Cyborg and Donna Troy.
"I will be back with news of my father soon"
And with that Raven was gone. The team all stared at each other awkwardly.
"I say we get to know each other"
Wally cheered.
"Let's go to the beach!"
Donna playfully wrapped an arm around Kori as she looked at her a bit confused.

Kori and Donna stepped out of the changing area to see the boys already changed and splashing each other in the water. They all turned to the girls and their mouths dropped. Kori sat on a beach chair beside Dick and he smiled at her.
"Want me to put lotion on your back?"
"Yes please"
Kori turned over and Dick rubbed oil onto her back. Once he was finished she smiled up at him and he smiled back.
"I'm Richard but you can just call me Dick"
"I am sorry but I am not very good with the language"
"How did you learn?"
"Through affection"
Dick raised an eyebrow and smirked.
"Perhaps I can help you with that?"
She liked where this was going. Dick moved over to her and leaned in to kiss her when they were interrupted when Dick got smacked in the head. Dick glared in Beast Boy's direction.
"Sorry Robin. Mind passing the ball back?"
BB laughed. Dick grumbled as he lifted the ball and walked over to his team mates while Kori just smiled. She was already starting to like this Dick Grayson.

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