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"No way! I got Batman!" Dick's head snapped up from where it was currently searching for a new book to read. He saw a little child with his mum and a toy from McDonald's. He wanted a Batman action figure!

"Grayson, you look ridiculous stuffing your face with that junk food." Damian commented as he gave the older man a disgusted glare. Dick just shrugged and shovelled more fries into his mouth. When the youngest Wayne left the cave he quickly tore the box apart to find his kid's toy. "I got me!" He smiled with a mouth full of fries.

"Honestly, its such a waste to buy that garbage. You're a hero, Dick. You can't afford to put on unessicary weight." Tim said as he watched the man stuff his face. He suddenly felt nauseous just thinking about what might be in the 'meat'. Dick rolled his eyes. He had put on two stone but it was totally worth it!

"Give me some fries, Dickiebird." Jason said as he watched Dick, who was now well over weight eat a cheese burger. Dick shook his head, "oop." He tried to say no but his mouth was too full. "Gready b******!"

"We have to help him. He's too over weight and Gotham needs him." Tim said as he, Damian and Jason stood outside Dick's bedroom. Dick had just been dragged to the doctors by Alfred so the brothers could snoop in the first Robin's room. Damian rolled his eyes as he snapped, "we don't need a damn pep talk, Drake. Just open the door!" Tim glared at Damian and Jason kicked down the door. Both Robins turned their glare to Jason who smirked. "Oops."

When they entered they expected to see box upon box of kid's meals and half eaten food. Instead, they found a toy haven. The room was packed to the brim with McDonald's toys of Damian, Bruce, Tim, Dick and Jason. Tim fell over in shock and Damian didn't know what to think.  Jason just broke out in a laugh. Both boys looked at him in confusion. "He could have just bought the damn McDonald's. Bruce is loaded." Suddenly, everyone was laughing.

"I'm not fat! I just have more to love!" Dick yelled at Bruce as he stormed to his room. There he found all of his toys gone. He was filled with panic. Who the hell stole them?! It took him weeks to collect them all and five hundred burgers! "Idiot!" Damian said as he pushed Dick. Dick fell onto his side. Then Jason, Tim and Damian began to play football. Or Dickball. "STOP!" Jason laughed. "You need to lose weight, Dick. Gotham needs you." Tim said as Dick went smashing into the window, which broke it. Bruce ran into the room to see a smashed window and his kids looking out of it. "Alfred said not to play ball in the house!"
"I'm ok!"

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