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"Get your coats on!" Dick sing songed as he entered the Young Justice base. Artemis, M'gann and Conner looked up at him from the sofa and Wally sped in with icing covering his face.
"Where are we going?" Wally asked stuffing his face with a slice of cake.

"Sea world."
"Sea world?" Artemis questioned. Of course he would want to go to sea world.. "Yup. Bruce got five free tickets to go and I took 'em," he said and Wally sped off and came back in new clothes. "Let's go to sea world!" He cheered. "I don't like fish." Conner said but M'gann, his ever so cheerful girlfriend was already dragging him out the door.

"Guys, check it out! I'm ridding a dolphin!" Wally cheered as he and Dick splashed around with a dolphin. Artemis, M'gann and Conner watched from outside of the cage. "Be careful you two!" M'gann said happily. "Try not to get eaten!" Artemis laughed. 

Dick turned to his best friend. "This has been the best day ever. I wish we could just live here," he smiled as he pet the dolphin's nose. Wally then had an idea. He smirked as he whispered into his companion's ear. Dick's eyes widened. "Wally! We can't!" He shook his head. Was his best friend really going nuts?! "Come on. How cool would it be to have one of these things in your bath tub?!" Wally was excited. "What about Bruce?! He'd kill me!" Wally shook his head. "That's where you're wrong, Dickie. You have your own bathroom in the manor."

"Where are those idiots?" Artemis sighed as she looked around the large crowds but failed to see her boyfriend and the Robin. M'gann was also helping her search but Conner was busy being bored. He didn't even want to come here! He's just glad they didn't have monkeys.. When they were about to give up, Artemis spotted them...Carry a 150 KG DOLPHIN! Face palm..

"What the-" Before Conner was able to finish his sentence, Wally waved them over and almost dropped the animal onto of Dick as they both struggled to carry the marine life. They quickly ran over to the boys. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO THINKING?!" Artemis yelled and they both gave her innocent smiles. "Uggh. We wanted one?" Dick tried but failed to convince his friends he was sane. "Conner, be a pal and carry this for us?" Wally asked and Conner just glared at them. No way was he assisting them with Dolphin-napping. 

"Hey, you over there!" One of the many guards shouted over. Dick and Wally ran with the large dolphin on their back. The guards stopped and turned to the rest of the team. "We're sorry our friends stole your dolphin. They're idiots-" Artemis was cut off when they put handcuffs on herself, Conner and M'gann. "You're all under arrest for assisting theft and endangering an animal." Conner struggled to get the men away from him. "We didn't do anything!"

Wally visited his girlfriend and friends in prison. "It's good to see you all!"

"This is all your fault!"

"Hey! It's not my fault you guys stole a dolphin.."


Dick was lounging on the sofa in the manor when Alfred came in. "Master Richard, I was in your bathroom and was about to clean your bathtub, but to my surprise.. It was occupied."

"Yeah. His name is Batdolphin. Isn't he cute?" Dick smiled at the butler.


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