First Kiss

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Dick wished he could say his first kiss was with his first girlfriend Barbara Gordon. He really did..

He was fourteen and hanging out with his best friend, Wally West. They were lounging around in Mount Justice when Dick caught Wally smirking. Before he knew it Wally's lips were on his and when he pulled away he was red in the face and his heart was racing. Did he just have his FIRST kiss?!
Dick yelled, still in shock.
Wally was just smirking like he won a prize.
"What the hell?!"
"Sorry, Dickiebird. Artemis and Zantanna dared me. I get ten dollars for doing it"
He sounded so excited.
"You stole my first kiss!"
Slowly. The grin turned into a frown and Wally looked horrified.
"I..just had... My first kiss with my guy best friend..?"
Dick nodded furiously and this time it was Wally's turn to blush.

Berry and Bruce were watching the video sent to them by Artemis. They were expecting something like a criminal break in NOT their charges kissing and then releasing it was their first kiss.
Berry stood. Shocked and in disbelief as he stared at the screen and Bruce sat in his spiny chair, with no emotion (cause he's Batman)
He turned to Berry and met his eyes.
"We NEVER speak of this again. We burn this and erase it from our minds"

Wally and Dick didn't get over it and because Artemis and Zantana knew they still didn't live it down today.. Nine years later. Wally has a wife and kids and even she brings it up, laughing and it drives them nuts. There wasn't even fireworks!!

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