Pokemon Go!

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"Holy Batman! I just caught a charmander!"
Bruce raised an eyebrow as Dick was jumping for joy with his phone. He then realised that all his children were on their phones..
"A what?"
Dick beamed at him.
"A Pokemon!"
Bruce sighed. Not his kids too. In the past week that that stupid game was released he had to save dozens of people from seriously hurting themselves because of the game being a distraction.
"Oh yeah, well I caught Eevee"
Tim smiled proudly.
"That's nothing! I caught Pikachu!"
Jason gloated.
"Yes well, I have gotten a Bulbasaur"
Bruce rolls his eyes. Even Damian was interested in this silly game.
"No way! A Slowpoke is three steps away! Dick began to run and everyone chased after him.

When Bruce came home from work, he was walking up his drive way to the front door when he dropped his brief case and stared wide eyed. On the roof, clinging onto the satelight dish was Damian, holding his phone out and furiously tapping on his phone. Right by the window, Tim was moving his phone around and right near the edge of the roof Dick and Jason were fighting. Bruce was about to continue on to the house when there was a loud thud and Dick was right beside him but his leg was bent in a way it wasn't supposed too.

Bruce paced up and down the sofa of the living room where Dick with a broken leg sat, Jason with his arm in a sling, Tim with an ice pack on his head and Damian with a black eye. He glared at them all.
"That game is banned from this house!"
"But Bruce-"
"No buts. My house. My rules. Give me your phones"
"You can't do this! What if there's a rare Poke-"
"I said give me your phones"
Everyone gave him their phones..

There was a sound of the door bell going off and all past and present Robins stood at the door to see Superman holding Batman by the collar and Wonder Woman holding a phone.
"We were out on a mission and Batman let them get away because he caught a 'Snorlax'?"
Dick smirked.
"Now Bruce. This game is banned from the manor. Give me your phone"
"No buts. Give me your phone. Your house. Your rules."

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