I AM Batman

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When Dick first met Bruce and discovered he was Batman he would dress in his suit and bounce around the Batcave pretending to be the dark knight. It was his ultimate goal to grow up and take over the mantle. He was Robin and that was easy. How hard could being Batman really be?!

Dick gave a tired sigh as he peeled off the Batman mask and slumped into the spiny chair that belonged to the Batcave. Alfred was right beside him, pouring tea into a cup.
"Rough night, master Richard?"
"Like you wouldn't believe, Alfie"
Alfred sighed. He knew how hard it was for Dick to balance his grief (of Bruce being gone) and being Gotham's only source of a savour. He also suffered major bad publicity from the press. Everyone knew he wasn't Batman and that he wasn't as 'good' as Batman and Alfred was beginning to worry that Dick thought that aswell.

"Master Grayson, maybe you should-"
"No, Alfred. I can't take a break. I need to get better for the city- in a small whisper he said- and for him.."
"Don't be preposterous! Master Bruce would have never left the mantle of Batman for you if he didn't know you'd do everything in your power to save it"
"Yeah, well that isn't enough"
"Stop this! I've seen what being Batman has done to him. To Bruce. And it destroyed the little boy I raised. The little boy I had grown to love. I have been here for you the same as he has and you can't do this to yourself! You can't let those people, the people you're risking your life for pull you down and determine just what and who you are! Like it or not, Richard. You are  Batman and the hire to the Wayne name! You may not be as 'good' as him but you're the best this city's got!"
Dick smiled as he pulled the old butler into a hug.
"Thank you"

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