Poking Wars

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Dick had just signed up to Facebook and was learning to use all of the features when he came across a button called 'poke.' Of course he was curious. He pressed the button and it appeared on the screen telling him he poked Wally. A few minutes later Wally poked him back.

Jason was surfing on Facebook when he got a notification telling him Dick poked him. He pressed poke back then returned to his news feed. Then, he got another poke. A little more annoyed, he poked back. Ping- "DICK! Get off the internet!"
"You don't understand me! My true self is online!" Dick yelled like a teenaged girl.

Tim was checking his business emails when he came across an email telling him to go on Facebook.

Dick Grayson has tagged you in a post. Dick Grayson has commented on your picture. Dick Grayson has poked you. The list went on..

"DICK! Don't ship me with Superboy! Stephanie will kill me. AND hashtag 'fighting crime' gives away your identity!"

Damian was in the Batcave, trying to crack a case he and Batman were working on when he heard a ping. Bruce was still logged onto Facebook and had been tagged in a post by Dick.

Bruce is the best superhero dad ever! #son #dad #love ya-Dick

Grayson, Damian is my favourite son and you're fanboy trash. #loser #idiot #getoffoftheinternet -Damian

Yo, Brat. Get off B's Facebook.-Jason

I dislike you too, Todd and don't get me started on that fool Drake- Damian

I can see this you know!- Tim

You're all in trouble. Damian get off my Facebook. You ALL need to get off Facebook. -Bruce

It was Dick that started it!- Jason, Tim and Damian.

Indeed.. Diner is ready. #swag #needanewjob -Alfred.

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