Dick Gets Sick

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Tim, Jason and Damian were all sitting in the living room. Tim closed his book over and turned to his brothers.
"Where's Dick?"
"How should we know?"
Jason grunted as he changed the channel. As if noticing for the first time that Dick was missing, Damian glanced around the room.
"It appears Grayson is still sleeping"
"Dick doesn't sleep in"
"Well then, go find him"
Tim glared at Jason.
"I would but I don't want to find him in a weird situation"
"Tt- you wish we would accompany you?"
Damian asked and Jason protested.

Knock knock
"Dick? You alive?"
"Come in!"
A gruff voice called from inside the door. They all looked at each other in confusion before walking in. Lying in his bed with the blanket right up to his neck was Dick. He was surrounded by dirty tissues and he looked a sight. He had a red nose with rosy cheeks and tired eyes.
"Hi guys"
He coughed out. Jason took out his phone and snapped a picture. Everyone glared at him.
"Grayson, don't be lazy. Get out of bed and clean up this mess"
"Damian I don't think you understand. Dick's sick"
Damian looked somewhat confused.
"Haven't you ever been sick?"
"Of course not, Drake"
Dick just gave his brothers a weak smile.
"I could use a hug"
He sniffled.
"No! No way am I getting sick"
Jason said as he backed away. Tim took pity on Dick and forced them to hug him.

Jason climbed out of his bed and looked in the mirror. He was pale and red cheeked. He was about to dismiss his appearance when he sneezed.
Bruce walked in with a fresh box of tissues. His four sons were all in Dick's bed coughing and sneezing away.
"Dick you got me sick!"
"You idiot! I've never been sick in my life!"
"Shut up I have a headache-Tim groaned- Bruce, can you get me some medicine?"
"And a doctor. I refuse to believe I am unwell"
Damian pouted.
"Oh, I wanna hug!"
Dick chimed.
"I need a six pack of beer"
"Jason, you can't have beer when you're sick!"
"Watch me! It's medicine"
"Beer is not medicine!"
"Fight me!"
Bruce sighed. He thought having his kids be out on patrol was hard?

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