Tea and Crumpits

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"Master Richard, a letter came for you," Alfred said as he handed the man a white envelope. Dick smiled and opened the letter. "Thanks, Alfie"

Once Dick had the letter open he quickly closed it and held it tightly to his chest. This caught Jason and Damian's attention. "What're you hiding, Grayson?" Damian asked as he looked at the older man suspiciously. "N-nothing!" Dick blushed. Tim raised an eyebrow. "It's obviously not nothing."

"We need to find out what that idiot has in that letter," Damian said as he looked at the other two men. "It's probably something stupid. I wouldn't bother." Jason said as he bordely flicked through the channels on TV. "Fine. I'll do it myself."

Damian followed Dick to his room and quickly hid when his brother came out of the room. Once he was sure it was safe, he made his way into the room to see his brother's laptop sitting on the bed, still on. "He bought a ticket to England?" Damian questioned before looking around the room.

Dick boarded the plane and sat in first class enjoying his champaign, but what he didn't know was that his youngest brother was a few seats away.

Dick walked into Buckingham palace and Damian's jaw dropped. Did HIS brother just WALK into the QUEEN'S HOUSE?!" He tried to follow him but was tackled to the ground by guards.

Jason and Tim sat in the living room of Wayne manor watching the news when Bruce, who was on the phone came in. "Wait. What do you mean Damian's been arrested for trying to kill the queen?!" Jason and Tim rolled their eyes when on the news was the Queen having tea with none other than Dick Grayson. Their brother. Their eyes popped out of their heads.

"Yes, Dickie and I are old friends. He saved my life last year and we get together to catch up every few months and text each other on Facebook all the time!" The Queen said and Dick smiled at the camera. "She's like my little granny!"

"GRAYSON! TELL THEM TO UNHAND ME!" The Queen looked to the window concerned. "What was that?-"
"NOTHING!" Dick said as he sipped his tea..

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