Master Dick

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Robin1Best uploaded a video to YouTube..
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Dick stood in Wayne manor's large kitchen, a pink 'kiss the cook' apron on and a giant smile on his face. "Hi, welcome to Master Dick ( All rights reserved! This is nothing like Master Chef..) And today I'm going to teach you how to make an Italian dish.. Pizza!" Dick slapped a giant fake moustache on his upper lip. "And I have a special guest to help me!"

Dick looked off camera and frowned. "Come on. Pleeeaassee!" He whined. "I'll tell Bruce about the bra incident," he threatened and Damian glared as he came on camera. He had a hair net on his head and was wearing a Batman apron and held a scowl on his little face. "You promised you'd forget all about that!" Dick rolled his eyes. "Hand me the dough."

Dick began to flip the dough into the air and awkwardly smiled at the camera when it didn't come down. Damian rolled his eyes. "Idiot."
"Don't worry. This happens to all the great chefs hehe.. We just need to get it down," he then whispered something in Damian's ear and Damian ran off. Then there was banging from upstairs and the dough fell down and onto Dick's head.

"Grayson, this will destroy the oven!" Damian warned as Dick tried to stuff the pizza covered in cheese, ham and every topping known to man, that includes the rubber duck from the bath and Dick's fake moustache..Gross. Dick began to do poses into the camera and Damian rolled his eyes when the oven exploded and covered both boys with pizza. "You're such an idiot." Dick licked some pizza from Damian's check. "It's a bit undercooked but still delicious!"

TheF******RedHood: Disliked. Stick to fighting crime Dickie. Asscole
Timbuktu: As much as I hate to admit it, I agree with Jason.. *Asshole.
TheF******RedHood: Don't correct me!
BestDamnButler1: Master Richard, Master Damian, you broke my friend Mr Oven :( He was my only friend! :,(

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