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Tim got a buzz from his phone, which was in his back pocket. He clicked the screen to see that he had over a hundred notifications from his Facebook status. Wait.. he didn't even write a status!

He quickly unlocked his phone and went onto Facebook. "So happy to announce that Stephanie and I are with child?! Dick!"

Tim got a text sent to his phone.
Congrats baby bird.-D
I am going to kill you! Stephanie is going to kill ME!-Tim.
What are you talking about? Is this like that show about crazy killer ex's?-D
What? No! Dick, would you stop goofing off and apologise to all my friends?-Tim.
"I'm on my way!-D
What? No! Dick do not travel all the way to Gotham. Dick, I mean it!-Tim.

"Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne why the hell are you telling people I'm pregnant?!" Stephanie stormed up to her boyfriend. Tim was praying that he lived to survive his angry girlfriend's rant. "It wasn't me! It was Dick!" Just as the man was mentioned, he entered the cave and jumped in between Stephanie and Tim. "Stephanie, you can't kill Tim! The baby won't have a daddy!" Stephanie glared at Dick. "I am NOT pregnant!" Dick rolled his eyes dramatically. "You aren't fooling anyone with that stomach of yours, Steph." Her eyes went wide and Tim felt bad for poor poor Dick..

"Hey, where the hell is Dick?" Jason asked as he, Damian and Tim stood in the Batcave. Damian shrugged and Tim broke out in a fit of laughter. It caused the other two boys to look at the man. "What's so funny, Drake?" Tim couldn't answer. He was on the ground having a laughing fit. Just then Dick entered the cave. He was wearing a corset that was cutting of his circulation, a VERY pink dress and high heeled shoes. Stephanie also managed to tie his hair into a tiny ponytail and used make-up that didn't cover up his busted lip, bleeding nose or black eye. Suddenly, Damian and Jason knew what was so funny..

Dick glared at the laughing Robins as Wally sped in and looked at Dick. "Hiya, gorgeous." He wiggled his eyebrows and Dick tried hard not to throw up. Seeing Wally flirt with Dick made the others laugh harder. Poor Wally never knew it was his best friend and Dick fainted from the damn corset.

(I had to write a little Dick/Tim brother one shot after the events of the new Detective Comics. SPOILER ALERT: Tim 'died'.)

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