I'd Do Anything!

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To say Dick would do anything to protect his Bat family was an understatement. Dick had loved his small family with just his mother and father. He never had any siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, but now he has a huge family filled with a grandpa, brothers, a sister, a father. He would never let anyone hurt them. That's what lead him here..

He and Damian were locked in Joker's lair and a bomb was counting down. He looked around desperately, trying to get Damian to safety. He heard Tim and Jason trying to get in from the outside.

Time was running out! Suddenly, he found it. A tiny window that Damian would manage to squeeze out of. Quickly, he grabbed the young boy and ran over to the window..

"Grayson! What the hell are you doing?!" The young man demanded as he tried to squirm out of the older man's grip. They got to the window and Dick put Damian down.
"You need to get out of here. Now!"

Damian then noticed the window. It would be big enough to fit through but..
"You're an idiot! You can't fit through that!" Dick gave a sad smile. "I know." "What're you-" Damian's eyes widened and his chest grew heavy. No! There was no way-

"No, I'm not leaving you to die, Grayson!" He folded his arms in protest. Dick kept the sad smile on his face. "I don't expect you to. But I can't let you die just because I am, Dami."

"Stop it! For once stop with the hero act! You're sacrificing yourself for this city! Stop being so selfish! I.. I don't care what the city or the world needs anymore.. I-i just.. I want to.. I want my big brother to stay with me! Screw anybody else. I need you!" Damian actually had tears sliding down his mask as he released a shaky breath. Dick's heart broke right there.

"I'll always be with yo-"
"No. Don't start with that crap! You will never be with me! You'll be in the ground. Dead. I died if you don't remember. I know what it's like. You aren't looking after me. You feel nothing! And I can't have an empty void where you should be!"
Now Dick was crying and their masks had long since been thrown away. "I love you, little D. I knew when I excepted my job as a hero I would one day die to save another's life but-I'm glad it was you.. You're someone I love very much.. Forgive me"

Damian fell unconscious, as Dick hit him over the head. The boy fell into his arms and he opened the tiny window and pushed Damian's body through. From the outside, Jason and Tim saw this and ran over to help Dick. Once Damian's body was through, they looked down at Dick. "Alright, Dick. Get your fat ass out here." Jason sassed and Dick shook his head, "get Damian out of here. There's no more time."
"But, Dick-" Tim tried to argue but he closed the window. Tim began to bang on it, he screamed horrifically, "DICK! NO!" Jason grabbed his shoulder and shook his head..

Dick sat down in a corner of the room and took slow deep breaths. 'I'm doing this for Gotham.. For mom and dad.. For Bruce... Tim, Jason, Damian, Cassie.. I'm glad I spent my time with them.. God, I love them all so much.. I'm sorry, little D. Please forgive me..

Jason and Tim managed to get themselves and Damian's sleeping form far away.. They turned to look back, in the distance they saw the roof. Jason and Tim shared a sad look as Damian groaned on the forest floor, "ughh.. Grayson?" Damian's eyes widened as he sat up.

"GRAYSON!" Damian was up and yelling but it was too late as the lair was dust and Dick's body was likely gone.. He kept running. He couldn't stop. He was filled with adrenaline and fear. He reached the sight. Walls were no more than rubble and the floor was gone. The smell of fire hung in the air. Damian sunk to his knees and dug through rubble, only to find Dick's mask. He held it in his hands. Jason and Tim finally caught up to him. The scene was too much. Tim began to sob and Jason lowered his head.

They say heroes are remembered but legends never die..

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