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Dick Grayson sat in his bedroom board. He had been suspended from fighting crime because he made fun of the Riddler's riddles. He fiddled with his thumbs as he sighed for the forth time in an hour. He shut his eyes and blocked his face as a breeze flew at him messing up his hair and creating goose bumps on his skin. His blue eyes looked up to see his best friend, Wally West standing in front of him.
"Sup, dickie?"
"Hey, Wally"
Wally sat down beside the Boy Wonder.
"Why aren't you out fighting crime?"
"Bruce won't let me"
He pouted and Wally laughed.
"I have something fun for us to do. You in?"
Dick looked at his best friend to be met with a sly grin. It was contagious, as he grew the same one.

Wally and Dick arrived at the top of the Eiffel Tower and Wally sped off and came back with two buckets full of water balloons. They both smirked as they leaned over the edge to see crowds of people busying past. Both boys put their hands in the bucket and pulled out a water balloon. Wally dropped his yellow one and they watched it fall and laughed when someone was drenched with water. Dick then dropped his and a wet man shook his hand and yelled up to them. Afraid and full of laughter, the two boys ran off. They arrived at the manner to be greeted by Batman and Flash. The smiles slipped from their faces.
Wally said as Dick glared.

"What were you thinking?"
"See we weren't really thinking anything"
Barry said as he glared at his nephew but looking into his eyes you could see he wanted to laugh.
"Bruce, I-"
"You're off duty for two weeks"
Dick whined and Wally wrapped an arm around his friend's shoulders and gave a mischievous smirk.
"So tomorrow do you wanna change the time on Big Ben?"
Everyone yelled but Dick just laughed as Wally was being yelled at.

75 Things Everyone Loves About Dick GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now