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Dick came home from a hard day of work and was excited to hear about Mar'i's first day of High School. A smile made its way onto his face as he walked into their apartment. He put down his duffel bag that had his famous Nightwing costume in it and went into his living room where Mar'i was watching TV. Seeing her dad enter she turned off the TV and turned towards him. "Hey daddy, I'm going out tomorrow night, OK?" She gave him a smile and he nodded. "Yeah, are you hanging out with Lian and Irey?" She shook her head and blushed. "N-No, Ryan.." Dick's head shot up. Ryan? Ryan wasn't a girl's name! That meant Ryan was someone that wasn't with the same gender! Was this a date?! It couldn't be a date! Mar'i's only sixteen!

"No. I forbid you to go." He stubbornly said and she rolled her eyes. "He's just a friend. Besides I texted mom and she said I could go." She playfully stuck her tongue out and he glared at her. This meant war..

The doorbell rang and Dick answered to see a sixteen year old boy with flowers. Dick snapped the flowers off him and threw them away. "Mar'i doesn't like roses. What exactly is your intentions for my baby girl?!" Dick began his detective work. The guy seemed taken off guard. "I-It's just a date-" Before Dick could interrogate him even further Mar'i came to the rescue. "Mar'i go change that skirt is too short!" She rolled her eyes and kissed Dick on the check. "I'll see you at eight, daddy." She and her date left. Dick grabbed his phone and made a call. "Code 8!"

Wally and Dick were hiding in Dick's car at the drive in cinema and Mar'i's date's car just so happened to be next to them. "I don't know why I agreed to help you. You never helped me when Irey was dating!" Wally hissed as they both watched Mar'i eat popcorn. "That's because her boyfriend is my brother and I know my brother!" Dick said as he used binoculars. "Yeah, your brother the ASSASSIN!" Dick rolled his eyes. They watched as Mar'i's date rapped his arm around her. In a panic Dick pulled off his steering wheel and threw it at their heads. Both let out a Yelp and looked at Dick.

Dick and Wally, who dressed as a married couple panicked and started making out. It didn't stop Mar'i and her date from coming to their car. "Dad!" Wally and Dick broke apart. "Who is this dad you speak of? I am Mr Carwheel (smooth, Dick XD) and this is my wife Mrs tree llama." He tried to convince. Wally gave a high pitched giggle that sounded more like a cat in a dryer. "I'm not stupid. I know it's you and uncle Wally." She glared. "Hey, M," Wally greeted and Dick glared.

"No TV for a week and you have to come straight home after work-"
"No buts! Do you want me to call grandpa Bruce?" Mar'i threatened. Wally and Dick looked down. "No." Mar'i smirked. "Good. Now, I'm going out. See you later." Wally glared at Dick. "At least my daughter wouldn't have grounded us!" Dick pouted.

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