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Dick Grayson's mother, Mary Grayson was a caring passionate woman. She would do anything for her son and husband and always held a smile on her face. Dick could remember everything about her. He had to. It was the only thing he had left to remember her. Her sweet strawberry sent, the way her light brown hair was always pulled back and how she never seemed upset. Dick only got to know her for a short time. It wasn't fair. How could someone take someone else's parents away?! He could remember it so well. How their bodies just lay there.. Lifeless..

Dick woke up in a pool of his own sweat. He was breathing heavily but calmed down when he realised he was in his room. His room in Wayne manor. He was new to the manor. Bruce was nice enough to adopt him. He was almost eleven. He heard a knock at the door and his head spun quickly to see who it was. Bruce entered in his pyjamas.
"I heard you scream. Did you have a bad dream again?"
Dick give a nod. His eyes still filled with tears.
"Would you like to sleep with me?"
Dick nodded again and Bruce got into Dick's bed.
"You know, Dick. I once had nightmares.. Actually, I still do. I lost my parents just like you. You know, I don't want you ever to forget them but I'm your... Father now... And I'd like for you to tell me if you're upset because I hate seeing Robin cry"
Bruce was surprised when Dick gave him a hug.
"Love you too, Dad"
Bruce was in shock but smiled when he looked down at the now sleeping Robin. This kid was destined for great things.

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