Brotherly Jealousy

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Dick was jealous. That much was clear. But it wasn't his fault! Bruce replaced him! And Jason didn't even look anything like him! Except for the black hair and blue eyes.. and the fact that he was a boy.. and the same height as him.. they were complete opposites! Yeah..

One day Dick was hanging out at the Batcave- More like being jealous of poor Jason. Bruce left Jason to his own merits and Jason wandered up to Dick, a smile on his face and a stride in his step. It made Dick sick. "Hey, Dick, can you teach me how to make Bruce more proud? I wanna be the best Robin!" Jason looked up to Dick more than anyone! Dick smirked. "Sure.."

Bruce took Jason out on Parol and Jason set the whole building on fire! Bruce had to get the hostages AND the bad guys out before they became dust. When they drove back to the Batcave, Jason got an ear full and Dick watched with a sly smile. Jason began to cry. "I-I just wanted to make you happy!" Bruce glared. "By killing people?! I need to reconsider your position as Robin." He stormed off and Jason began to cry. Watching little Jason cry broke Dick's heart. He had to do something...

So he did the only thing he could. He put on a musical show. He and Jason sang and danced and explained everything to Bruce through the beat of a song and a snazzy tap routine. Alfred loved it. He rated it five stars. Bruce, however, wasn't so impressed.

"I'm sorry, Jason." Jason hugged Dick. "It's ok. I love you, brother." Dick started to become a sobbing mess. He had a brother!.. and was grounded for most of his life..

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