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"Damnit." Damian muttered as he desperately tried to free himself from the chains that kept him from freedom. He had tried every weapon he had and couldn't break free. Damn Joker was nuts. He was sure Batman was coming for him but he was also fearful. After all he didn't make it in time for Jason so how could he save Damian?

Joker was currently standing on top of a building and TVs, radio stations and social media everywhere was playing the madman as he cackled and threatened Gotham and Batman's Robin, who was currently chained behind him.

"We need to do something!" Dick was hysterical with worry for his brother. He knew Damian was strong but he also knew how wicked the Joker truly was. He looked at Tim who was currently getting info from the Batcomputer on the Joker and then to Bruce who was pacing in his Batsuit. "We know where he is! Why don't we just go beat him to death?!" Bruce shook his head. "We need to wait." Dick couldn't believe Bruce's words. "You heard him! He's going to kill Damian and you know he will!" Dick slapped on his mask and hopped onto his motorcycle.

"Time to find out if this little Robin can fly HAHAHA!" Joker laughed as he held the boy over the edge of the roof. Damian glared at Joker. "Any last words, birdie?" Damian spat in Joker's face. "Kill me, clown. But you'll never stop us. My team will come and kick your ass." Joker's response was only to laugh. Thankfully, Dick landed on the roof just as Damian was about to be pushed off. "Let him go, Joker."

The clown prince turned to him. "Nightwing. How disappointing. Batsy set one of his lackeys. This kid must not be important to him. Oh well." Joker was still going to push Damian when Dick yelled out a, "wait!" Joker turned to Dick. "Alright, you want to make a deal?" Dick nods. "Whatever you want. You have my word." Joker smirks. "Take off your mask and tell the world your identity." Joker smiled as he pointed down to the ground where there were news crews filming and broadcasting to the world. "Don't be stupid enough to do it." Damian warned his older brother. He wouldn't be stupid enough to do it. After all If he wasn't important enough for his father to save him then there was no point on Dick giving up his identity.

"Let him go." Joker nodded. He grabbed Damian roughly and threw him over to the other side of the roof. "Your turn to hold up the end of the deal." Dick nodded. Damian struggled to get to his feet with the chains still trapping him. Dick took his spot on the edge of the roof and took a deep breath. "This is for you, Dami." His hand reached up and Damian let out a yell as Dick pulled off his mask and everyone around the globe gasped. Dick Grayson, adoptive son of Bruce Wayne was Nightwing! Then Joker did the unthinkable. He pushed Dick and he went falling to the ground. "NO, GRAYSON!" Damian was finally free but it was too late. The ambulance was already cleaning up Dick's body. Damian jumped Joker and beat him almost to death.

"I want to kill you but you don't deserve it. I'm going to make sure you live a life full of misery and pain. I'll do it for my brother!"

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