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Dick, Wally, Artemis, M'gann, Kald'r and Conner were all in class learning when Wally sent a message to Dick. Dick opened the piece of paper.

Miss Morgan's super hot

Dick smirks and writes

No way! She's a total bore.

But between him and Wally are Conner and M'gann. So they have to get them to pass it along. The teacher. However, catches Conner just as he's passing it to M'gann.

"What's this?! Passing notes?!" She snatches it and reads it out loud and the class explodes with laughter and M'gann blushes.

"Detention for both of you"

"But we-" Conner tries to argue but the teacher cuts him off with a glare.

Artemis, who had been witnessing the whole thing stood up in defence for her friends, "that's not fair! It was Wally and Dick who were doing it!"

"That's it! Detention for you too, Miss Crook" Artemis folds her arms in a rage as she glares at the boys.

"I agree with Artemis. You must believe us-" Kald'r was cut off with a detention slip passed in his direction. He held his head down in shame.

"Alright. Any one else want a detention?!" She hissed and the class was silent. Dick and Wally looked at each other then smirked. Wally stood up.

"I think you stink, Miss" Wally said and Dick then stood.
"And I think you are h-o-t"

And that's how they had to explain to Batman that they were stuck in detention and they spent the day writing a 200 word essay after school on why it's not ok to call a teacher hot or stinky. And afterwords, the team almost killed the best friends.

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