He's VERY Protective

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Cassandra walked down the pathway beside a mall. She had wanted to go and get some fresh air. Although she wasn't really used to people she was very aware and that meant aware that her eldest brother was following her in his car trying not to catch her attention. She smirked, Dick was such an idiot sometimes.

Cass was so busy thinking of the silly things her brother does she didn't even notice that she bumped into another person. Before she could fall she caught herself and looked down to see a boy wearing baggy grey tracksuit bottoms with them pulled down so that his shorts were more than noticeable. He was wearing a white tank top with ketchup spilt down it and a cap on backwards. He glared up at her but his glare turned into a smirk once he saw how pretty she was.

Bouncing up he leaned over to her and his breath stunk of smoke. She leaned back as he tried to invade her personal space.
"What's a petty gurl such as yourself doing out alone?"
"Are you suggesting that woman can't go out on their own? Isn't that sexist?"
She glared. He smirked and just raised an eyebrow.
"There are a lot of... Bad boys around and no one will be able to protect you"
She just smirked.
"I think I can handle myself"
He gets closer.
"Maybe not"
Dick jumps out of his car and is about to attack the whack job that is flirting with his sister when Cass grabs his arm and twists it. She grabs hold of both his arms from behind his back and kicks him down. He stares up in shock and disbelief.
"If I EVER catch you talking and threatening women like that I swear I'll come back and murder you"

Cass walks over and gets into the passenger side of Dick's car. Dick just beams at his sister's badassness.
"Only one guy who has a smoker's breath is aloud to flirt with me"
Cass smirked and Dick couldn't wait to tell Jason this lovely tail. Dick would do anything for his bat family and even kill anyone who threatens to take it away.

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