Protect You.

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"Robin, we have an emergency! Slade's back." Cyborg yelled over the alarm system and his team leader was already gone without his team.. He sighed. Here we go with Robin and his Slade addiction.

"Yeo, dude. Wait up!" Beast Boy said as he tried to keep up with the rest of his team mates to end up in Cyborg's car. "I believe our friend Beast Boy is right. Please, Robin. Let us think of a plan before attacking!" She pleaded but he ignored her and sped off. She turned to look at the other flying girl for Raven to just shrug.

"I'm going after Slade. Keep those goons off me. I will return with him." He said once they were outside his base. The team shared a worrying glance. "Time to kick some bad guy butt!" Beast boy laughed as he transformed into a rhino. "Boo-ya!"

"Azarath metrion zinthos!" The heard of goons flew back. Surprisingly there were only a handful of goons. "I will check on boyfriend Robin," Star said and the others agreed as they fought of the evil henchmen. "Starfire, be careful!" Raven warned. She could feel something off.

"Robin?!" She asked.

"Slade.. Where are you?!" Robin shouted as he looked around. He had been waiting five years for this. He couldn't wait any longer- A bomb went off just outside the walls of the room he was in. Quickly, he made his way to the cliff side to see Starfire falling into a river bellow. He turned to see Slade watching her go. Slade or Star? He needed to choose. He-

"STARFIRE?!" He yelled as he swam through the water in search for his girlfriend. He soon found her body bloody and beaten. She had no pulse and it was too late. He continued to give her CPR until Raven stopped him. BB cried and Raven and Cybord lowered their heads in morning for their fallen friend. Dick clung the dead girl to his chest and cried. "Star, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault.. It's all my-"

75 Things Everyone Loves About Dick GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now