Over Protective

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It was a VERY hot day and the Bat brothers thought I'd be a good day to take a family trip to the beach.( Dick forced everyone.) They all piled into one of Bruce's seven seaters (that costs more than their lives.)

Dick decided he'd drive and Jason sat in the passenger seat because he liked to smoke and the others hated it. That left Tim, Damian and Cassandra in the back. They all wore their beach clothes, similar to their costumes, funny enough. Dick wore blue, Jason was red, Tim was also red and Damian's swim shorts were a mixture of red and green and yellow and of course Cassandra had black.

When they arrived they all went to do different things. Damian was sunbathing, Jason was picking up chicks, Tim was burying Dick in the sand but Cassandra had never been to the beach before so she looked around, deciding what to do first when a guy comes up to her,

"Hiya, what's a cutie like you doing by yourself?" He smirked and she gave him a funny look. (She had no idea what flirting was!) Once other boys at the beach had seen Cassandra in her swimsuit she was surrounded and the Bat brothers saw this. "Get away from my sister. Don't make me kick your ass," Jason threatened. They all began to fight. Dick grabbed Cassandra and handcuffed himself to her. "There. Anyone that wants to get near her has to have me too."

Everyone walked away. Damian face palmed. His brothers were idiots! "Grayson, I would ask why you have handcuffs but I'm used to your idiocy by now." He walked over and got into the car. He just wanted to go home. "I'm not. Why the hell do you have handcuffs?" Jason asks. "I..uh.. Borrowed them off Jim because I thought they looked cool?.." He gave an innocent grin and now it was Jason, Tim and Cassie's turn to facepalm.

"I'm so sorry," Tim pats Cassandra's shoulder sympathetically. "Dick, they're gone you can undo these." She motions to the cuffs. "About that.. I don't have a key.."

"Anyone who's stuck to Dick won't last a minute," Jason laughs. Tim curiously turns to Dick, "what did you need the handcuffs for?" Dick smiled sheepishly. "I..uh, was gonna cuff myself and Damian together so we could get ice cream.."

"We'll just have to call Jim-"
"No! He can't know I stole his cuffs! He won't let me date Babs!"
"Then we'll cut your arm off. Damian, give me your sword!" Jason yelled and Damian grumpily did what was asked. Dick sweat dropped as his brothers approached him with a sword. "Do it!" Cass yells excitedly.

Dick broke out in a run, causing Cass to have to run as well and the brothers chasing them both with a sword. There's nothing better than family bonding at the beach...

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