He's a Funny Guy

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Stephanie strutted into the Batcave. Tim was typing away at the computer, Dick was flipping around on one of the mats and Jason and Damian were slamming their fists into each other which they call 'sparring' AKA an excuse so they could beat each other silly.

Steph was feeling board and wanted something fun and wild to do.
"I'm board!"
She whined.
"Replacement, give your girlfriend something so she isn't board"
Jason grunted as he blocked Damian's sword.
"I'm not a dog!"
Steph barked back.
"I'm kind of busy. Can't you go out with Cass or the Titans?"
"I'm in the mood to do something to get my heart racing"
That's when she spotted the Bat mobile. Something only Bruce could drive. And something that would be fun to piss Bruce off.
"Let's take a spin in the Bat mobile"
Everyone froze. Tim swivled round on his chair, Dick stopped and turned to her and even Jason and Damian looked at the crazy blonde.
"Do you have a death wish?! Bruce would kill you!"
Tim sounded desperate.
"I can't drive clutch.. But-"
She smirked and turned to Dick.
"No! No way Steph!"
"You guys fight a crazy psych clown, crooks, people with magic powers but you're afraid of a guy in a bat suit?"
"I agree with blondie. Let's go for a spin!"
Jason howled.
"I will have to tell my father if you idiots steal his car"
Damian folded his arms and smirked but his smirk faded when Stephanie and Jason smirked at each other. Jason walked up behind Damian and knocked the poor kid out cold.
Tim shrieked. Jason just laughs.
"Come on Dick. Please?"
Dick just looks conflicted.
"Bruce will Kill you"
Tim coaxed.
"Admit it. You've always wanted to drive it"

They sped down the high way. Jason was standing up with his head out of the sun roof smoking. Dick was driving and blasting the Batman song in the front and in the back Steph snuggled up to a pouty Tim while Damian was still passed out beside them. The young Robin groaned.
"Uh. Where am I? No! You incompetent fools did not take my father's car!"
Tim stayed quiet and Steph joined Jason at peeking out at the city.
"This is so funnnn"
Steph yelled. Dick looked at them and unattached his seatbelt. He also joined them.
"You were right Steph! This is amazinggg"
Steph and Jason turned to Dick.
"At a boy Dickie"
Jason laughed. Steph's smile slipped.
"Wait. If you're here.. Then"
The car slammed right into a tree
Batman stood in Gotham's Police station.
"They're coming now"
James Gordon told Bruce and he nodded.
"You know Batman it wasn't wise to let your children dri-"
Batman cut him off with a glare. The door opened. A police officer stepped out with Dick, Jason, Tim, Steph and Damian all chained together.
Dick said awkwardly and Bruce just face palmed. Between his kids Dick, the oldest was the most childish ever. And he secretly loved it.

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