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"Gotham city watch out! Daphne is coming!" Dick yelled as he grabbed his candy bag. He was currently dressed as Daphne from Scooby Doo..

"I hate you, Dick," Jason, who was dressed as Fred from the same TV show said as he shoveled a hand full of candy into his mouth. "I think this is a bit odd.." Cass said, she was going as Velma and had to keep pushing the large nerdy glasses onto her small face. "BOO!" Stephanie laughed as she jumped onto her boyfriend, Tim. She currently had a sheet over her whole body with eye holes cut out. Tim smiled at her. As much as he hated going trick or treating with his brothers, his girlfriend was adorable. He was dressed as Shaggy. "Come on, guys! This is Dami's first Halloween and we have to make it memorable." Dick cheered as the others made noises of.. Annoyance? "He isn't even here!" Jason said and that caused the others to look around the room for the boy. Dick sighed.

"Come on, Dami." A voice came from the hallway where no one could see the small boy. "No. I refuse to take part in your childish antics, Grayson. Go without me." Jason had to be held back from attacking the brat. They all dressed up for him and now had to go without him?! Dick just rolled his eyes. "If you don't come with us I'll show EVERYONE. Leaguers and all about that time with the Tuto and the video..." This sparked everyone's attention. "You promised you'd never speak a word!" Damian growled but came into the room anyway. Jason and Stephanie fell down laughing and Tim smirked while Cass thought it was adorable and Dick was fan girling. "YOU LOOK SO CUTE!" Damian was dressed in a Scooby Doo onsie. "To quote Todd. I. Hate. You, Grayson."

The first house they went to questioned Dick and Jason's age but gave them candy anyway. The second house left a bowl saying take some so Jason took it all, much to everyone's annoyance. The third house was a man who gave them apples. "Alright, let's egg his house!" Dick cheered and Jason and Stephanie cheered also. "Isn't that a bit extreme?" Tim asked and they shhed him. "Grayson, why are we throwing food at this man's house?"

"Because he gave us apples instead of candy!" Damian nodded and they through eggs at the home...Then the cops came and everyone but Dick made a run for it. Dick was then arrested. "Miss, you're under arrest." Dick seemed surprised but blushed. "I'M A MAN!"

"Sure, Sweetie. Come with me.. And can I have your number?"

"You say my son's here?" Bruce asked as he followed the Police man to the cells. "My children were all home and my eldest is in Bludhaven." Or so he was told..

Bruce was brought to a room full of people in Halloween costumes. There was some chick who wasn't bad looking with ginger hair.. She seemed familiar, a man dressed as a snake and another woman dressed as a pana. He didn't know any of them. "I'm sorry but I don't know any of them.. Maybe you confused me with someone else?" Bruce asked as the cop led him out of the room and the suspects were being dragged away. "BRUCE, it's me! Your son, Dick!" Dick screamed as he was being put back into his cell. This was the last time he goes trick or treating with his brothers!.. He gave a sigh.. He knew that would never happen..

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