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When Dick was sixteen he wanted his first ever job. Bruce had offered him a part time job in his own company but Dick wanted to be more independent. Plus, Mary from the office keeps squeezing his cheeks and that hurt!

Instead, Dick got a job in a small shop that sold things for a pound. He was so happy to get his own job.. until he was fired..

Dick was beeping through a lady's shopping when he had a 'brilliant' idea. He grabbed the packet of oranges and said, "orange you glad I served you?" He then was punched by the lady's boyfriend for 'flirting' with her.

Then Wally decided it was a great idea to hang around the shop because he was bored. "Come on, Dick. Pllleeeeaee?!" The red headed speedster moaned. "N-o spells no." Dick said as he stacked shelves. "Your dad's rich why the hell do you need to work?! If you wanted Bruce could buy you fifty of these shops." Wally complained.

Wally grabbed a trolley and sat inside it. "Besides, no one else that works here is here right now and there's no cameras. Just put up the closed sign and let's joke around." Dick looked around at the empty store. He did have a point. And what was the harm in having fun? Dick pushed the trolley and knocked Wally into a pile of cans stacked on the ground. "STRIKE!"

Dick slammed right into his boss- WAIT! WHO?! It was too late to stop it. The man fell to the floor. "What is the meaning of this, Grayson?!" Dick jumped from the trolley and helped him up while Wally ran off. Damn speedster. "I-I didn't think you'd be visiting today, sir." Dick was nervous. "Yes, I can tell by how you're playing bowling with my products.." dick gave a small smile. "To be fair.. I won.."

Bruce had to pay for everything Dick broke and Dick never had another job again.. Bruce also never let Dick forget it so he was always teased by his little brothers. But he still won so was the real loser?
Damian: still you, Grayson. -tt

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