Stop with the Dick...Grayson Jokes

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Dick was sitting in the living room of Wayne manor with Tim. He watched Tim sip his tea and beamed at him.
"Hey, Tim. I want some"
He reached out to take the hot beverage when his hand slipped and it poured down his brother's front. Tim jumped up, trying desperately to get the shirt he was wearing dry and Dick jumped up to help him. Dick gave him some napkins and he began to dry the stain.
"You know, Dick. Sometimes you can be a real dick"
Dick frowned and Tim smirked at him.

Dick was with Jason at a stake out. They had been quiet for a while until they walked into the hotel where the criminals were operating. They decided to use their real names but have fake last names. Jason approached the woman at the desk with Dick right beside him.
"Hi, I'm agent Jason and this is agent Dick-"
The woman cut him off.
"What kind of name is Dick?"
Dick gave her a smile as he answered.
"It's short for Richard"
"How do you get Dick from Richard?"
Jason's frown twisted to a smirk as he looked at the girl.
"You ask nicely"
Dick blushed and nipped Jason as Jason just laughed.
Dick was in the Batcave watching Damian train. Damian stopped beating up the poor dummy and walked over to get a drink. He eyed Dick from the corner of his eye.
"Grayson-he demanded after he took a gulp of water-"
"Yes, Dami?"
Dick turned to his brother with a smile.
"Why did your parents name you after a body part?"
"Your name is Dick. If I've been paying attention in health class, which I have. I know you're named after a rude body part. Did your parents hate you?"
Dick seemed a bit caught of guard as he puts his hands up in surrender.
"No! My parents loved me"
"If you say so... Is your middle name head?"
Damian smirked and left a confused Dick to connect the dots. Once he was gone Dick caught on and scowled as he called after his brother.
"Damian! I am not what you said! I'm telling Bruce!"
Dick stormed into the manor kitchen where Bruce was sipping coffee. He had a pout on his face and Bruce sighed. When could the poor guy catch a break?!
"What's wrong, Dick?"
"Bruce, your kids keep making Dick jokes about me!"
"I'll talk to them..."
Dick turned to leave.
Dick turned back to his father.
"It's only a joke.. Don't be a dick"
Dick frowned and Bruce laughed. That's it! Dick's changing his name to Carl.

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