Baby Grayson

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Dick got the call and raced out of his apartment as he got to his motor bike he sped off.

At the hospital Starfire was giving birth and before she'd started pushing she made the nurse call the baby's father, her ex, Dick Grayson. They hadn't meant to get pregnant but sometimes things happened. They hadn't been together for a long time but when they had to team up to take out a new villain they had a one night stand and now there they were.

Dick made it to the hospital and ran to Star's room. When he got there Starfire was holding a small bundle in her arms. His breath caught in his throat as he stepped into the room. Seeing him arrive she gave him a smile.
"Dick, meet your daughter, Mar'i"
Dick's eyes watered as he slowly picked the black haired, blue eyed baby into his arms.
"You named her after my mother.. Thank you, Kori"
She nodded.

Tameranians aren't like humans. They didn't need to recover from child birth. Kori got up and began to pack her things. Dick looked up at her, still fantasised by his daughter.
"We still need to make custody arrangements. You can stay at my apartment for a few days and-"
She shook her head and smiled at him.
"I need to find myself, Dick. I was offered a chance to help save planets that are suffering from the species that once was a threat to my planet. I want Mar'i to stay here. To be with you. She needs you"
Dick nodded. He was grateful he was given the chance to be with his daughter and he promised himself he would giver her everything because that's what she deserved.

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