[1] Apple Bites and Motorcycle Rides

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Monday (First Day of School)

Aphmau's P.O.V.





"WHAAAAAAAAAT?" I groaned as I shifted my position on bed, groggily sinking my face into my pillow.

I hear the door slowly creak open. Oh Irene, it's the first day of school, not just that, Senior High School.

"Honey, get up, you're gonna get late on your first day back." My mom says as she sits on the edge of my bed.

"I don't wanna go to school!" I say through a muffled voice... Yes, I'm that cliché type of teenager that just hates high school. But I have my reasons.

"Come on sweetie, you'll get to see Laurance, Garroth, and Aar-" I quickly bolted up and ran straight to the bathroom. Just hearing their names gives me energy and perseverance to go to school.

I took a refreshing but quick shower and quickly dried myself up. I swiftly got my clothes and uniform and dressed it on, almost tripping as I put on my socks and wore my shoes. I applied a small amount of make-up matched on with some strawberry lip-gloss. I brushed my wavy hair and tied it up to a high ponytail with side bangs. I put on my black pearl necklace and the friendship bracelet Zane gave me. I looked at myself one last time before I exited the bathroom.

I went down the stairs to be greeted by my parents eating breakfast, I kissed their cheeks and waved them goodbye before I got an apple from a fruit bowl and my bag that was lying on the floor.

"Shoot" I cursed under my breath as I forgot to get my phone. I rushed quickly up the stairs and snatched my phone displaying a new message.

'1 New Message from Zane'

Zane: Aph, me and Vylad went to school already, knowing that you would be late (again) on the first day, we didn't wanna get dragged down too. Enjoy running alone ;)

Those jerks! They were my ride to school! I swear when I get my hands on them... I don't even bother to run; I'll be late anyways.

I went down and exited the house. I started walking down the street. Our school is like 8 blocks away, I don't care if you think that's not too long to walk, It's a long way for me!

I huffed a huge breath I was breathing in as I walked down the street.

As I walked through the second block I heard a voice from beside me at the road.

"Need a ride?" I looked to my side and was greeted by a familiar blue haired boy.

"That's what you call a ride? Thanks but no thanks, Dante." He was riding his black BMW motorcycle, it was the latest model, pfft show-off.

"Talking about this baby, you know, it's a long way to-"

"I said no thanks, Dante." I said once again.

Now he was being annoying since he was driving at my walking speed.

"Are you trying to bicker me, you'll be late too you know?" He shrugs like he doesn't even care.

"I don't mind, but you on the other hand, care a lot of not being late." He says, grinning at me.

I rolled my eyes and gave in. I sat behind him and put my hands around his chest, and yeah, I called it, he was smirking at my action. Freaking playboy.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now