[6] Big. Fat. Nugget.

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Thursday (Continuation – At School)

Zane's P.O.V.

Why would I be mad at you, dork?

Her sweet angelic voice rings through my ears as we walk out of the crowded school corridors; filled with students who had anticipation to reach home and get away from this living nether.

You know I can't stay mad at you!

Even though everything was moving too fast, even though it was crowded as realm; we only saw each other... just me and my best friend.

You're my best friend!

Those were the final words she said when I asked her if she was upset with me again after what happened a while ago morning, before we went to class.

Now here we are, a few steps away from exiting the school grounds and off to the rest of our day.

We just walked home instead of riding since Vylad needed to go home early to do something, so he brought the car; leaving me and Aph to walk the long way home.

I mean seriously, 8 blocks away?!

"Well you're awfully quiet, what are you thinking about?" I hear Aphmau say from beside me randomly. I looked to her to see she was staring at me with those sweet caramel eyes once again. I shrugged the feeling off and replied with a brief, "Nothing."

"Oh really, you big fat nugget?" Aphmau giggles as she saw my expression. I came to a halt by her remark, with her continuing to giggle as she walks away from her statement.

"What did you say?" I mumbled in a deep voice as I glued my eyes on Aphmau's immobilized figure, call myself insane, but I even heard myself growl a bit.

She faced me and met my gaze, slowly retreating back to me until we were only inches apart; for some reason, my cheeks were turning pink because of this; I mean, it's probably because we're on a sidewalk in public and our faces our inches away from attacking each other.

"I said..." She whispered lowly as she never took her eyes off my pale blue ones. "You're a big fat nugget." My eyes widened by this and my feet were adding more pressure to the ground suddenly.

I clenched my fists a bit and muttered, "I dare you to say that one more time." I said through slightly gritted teeth, I saw her smirk at this and lean up to reach my burning red ears.

She whispered softly, "Big. Fat. Nugget." I smirked when she took off running ahead after she uttered the last letter of her reply.

"Oh, you're gonna regret calling me that, Aphmau." I said more to myself before continuing, "COME BACK HERE!" I then started chasing her, erupting high squeals to escape her lips and into the air.

She was honestly an extremely fast runner; I could barely catch up.

For 5 minutes we were just exchanging brief glances, short remarks, and chasing after her as fast as my legs can go.

As I was finally only a few meters away, I grinned to myself and picked up speed; extending my legs' running distance with every step on the ground filled with determination.

And soon enough; I caught her.

I grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up swiftly onto my shoulder, grasping onto her back.

Our surroundings were filled by silent laughs and giggles as I twirled her around multiple times as she tried to escape from me.

"ZANE! AHHH, NO!" She squeals continuously as I continued to hold her on my shoulder with much hopeful care in my touch.

"NO CAN DO, PHOENIX!" I answered back as our exchanges continued for a bit, with her still slung onto my shoulder.

The moment was broken when my phone suddenly rang from my pocket.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I continued giggling until I realized Zane was talking on the phone with someone. I realized it must be important since I was still on his shoulder like a face towel; for some reason, I felt kind of red and uncomfortable about this, and I didn't know why.

His conversation on the phone continued as I waited along, trying my best not to listen to the on-going phone call he was having since I know that'll be rude.

After a few more remarks, he ended the call with one swift tap onto the glassy screen; sighing, he put me down unto my feet, stuffing his phone into his pocket.

"Who was that?" I questioned as soon as he stared back at me, "Vylad. He needs me to help him with something back home." His eyes beamed with disappointment.

"Guess we can't hang out today, I'll just drop you off by your place." He elaborates as he brings his eyes slowly to look at me, as he did, I followed his roaming pupils as they journey to meet mine; like something I needed to give my full attention on.

I nodded slowly as we continued our path to my house; with the wind blowing into the soft light afternoon.


HEEEYYYY! Been too long my sweet cupcakes! And I respect if you wanna kill me now. Since I didn't update in such a long time AND this chapter was shorter than usual. WELL, DO NOT FEAR! THIS IS JUST A FILLER CHAPTER AND I'LL MAKE SURE THE NEXT ONE IS UP ASAP (HOPEFULLY TOMORROW)!!

THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 1,000 READS! It's eye-opening!

You guys exited for the 'Accidental Intention' coming in chapter-... oh wait, I don't wanna spoil. *cue the evil and villainous laughs*

But don't worry! It's coming!

Please don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE and HEY, maybe put this in your library? LOVE YOU GUYS!!! You little cupcakes!!

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