[8] (Why's and What If's - Part 2) Doll, Cutie & Organic Goodies

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***TIP: Re-read the last chapter (Chapter 7) for more clarity to where we left off***

Thursday (Continuation – On The Road)

Laurance's P.O.V.

Say, go through the darkest of days
Heaven's a heartbreak away

I was in my car, having a quick joy-ride across the city; giving no care of the world at all...

Never let you go, never let me down
Oh, it's been a hell of a ride
Driving the edge of a knife

Singing along, tapping the steering wheel repeatedly; enjoying what I was currently having at the moment...

Never let you go, never let me down

Honestly, I could say that this song is for someone very special to me... Someone extremely close to my heart.

Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah

Scratch that.

Someone who is in my heart.

I won't give up, nah-nah-nah

I was very observant of my surroundings, taking in what's around me...

Houses. Buildings. Trees. People. Billboards. Signs.

Let me love you...

Out of nowhere, something caught my eye...


Let me love you

I suddenly slowed down my car as I tried to maintain the same pacing she was having.

Once I was right beside her, I lowered down my car window and smirked at her.

"Hey, cutie." I cooed as she looked at me, obviously startled. "GAH! What the realm, Laurance?" She states furiously with her face extremely red.

Is that really why her face is red?

Laurance! Don't get too full of yourself!

"Why? You are a cutie to me." I winked at her as she growled a bit, trying to keep up with my vehicle. "So, where are you going?" I questioned as I tried to multitask. Maintaining my speed, keeping eye on the road, and talking with Aphmau.

"Store. I need to buy some things." She shrugs as she continues to walk at her normal speed; she was so beautiful.

With her hair blowing through the wind, the eminence of calmness surging through her skin; she was amazing.

"Well, I need to buy something too." I grin as she suddenly looked at me with a cocked eyebrow. "Oh really?" She questions unbelievably.

"Yeah, say; is it possible to buy your heart?" She rolled her eyes and scoffed loudly at my corny joke, "Well, Mister Casanova, I have you know that you can't just simply buy my heart, you gotta earn it." She remarks with an even bigger smirk as she eyes me down from my seat, which I just responded with an amused face.

"Oh, so you're implying that I do have a chance at getting your heart." I smirk back at her as I see her halt and freeze in her place; turning a bit red.

"I-...I di-didn't say that-" She states as she looks furiously at me. "I'm just joking, doll! Don't need to get all worked up about that." I usher as I stop my car to where she halted, raising my hands in defeat.

"Now, come on; I'll bring you to 11-seven." I smile to her as I see her legs move a bit, walking to the other side of the car; opening the passenger seat.

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