[31] Got You

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Friday - December 23 (At School)

Kiki's P.O.V.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much! I swear, I will die not being able to see you all. Jeffory, make sure to end this year with banging the brains out of Katelyn-" Nicole complains as she leans over Jeffory's shoulder in an over dramatic way.

"Okay, that's enough!" Katelyn pulls Nicole away from Jeffory with blush evident in both of their cheeks.

"They seriously need to get together..." Kawaii~Chan and Brendan murmurs in unison, making sure the whole group hears them except for Katelyn and Jeffory.

"Guys, you need to chill, it's only winter break, not the end if school." Zoey comments as she continues to fix her things at the lunch table.

It was lunch now on December 23, the day of the start of winter/Christmas break. Meaning, it was going to be half-day; so after this lunch break, we were to go home.

"Yeah, plus, there's a Christmas party at the Ro'Meaves right?" I ask as I glance over to Zane, who nodded in response.

"Yup. You guys are all invited, as well as your parents since some of us are family friends... Though, other students and friends of ours will come too." Vylad continues, glancing more to Aphmau.

"Like...?" Lucinda asks, referring to who else will be there. "Umm, like Laurance since Cadenza and their Dad are coming, Aaron and his folks, Dante and his family - Gene, sadly is included... as well as, sadly again, Ivy and her parents-" All of us groaned at the mention of Gene and Ivy.

"Wait, all of the Golden Daggers are coming right? Is Travis coming as well?" Cadenza asks as she continues to text someone on her phone - most likely Laurance.

At Cadenza's question, Zane choked on his food, making me pat him on the back since he was beside me. All our heads snapped to him in worry, "Hey, dude, are you okay?" Teony asks, concerned.

Vylad clears his throat as he answers Cadenza, "Yeah, no. He isn't coming, he has plans with his dad at that night. That was what Garroth said, at least," Vylad says as he gulped on his juice.

I stopped patting Zane's back once he stopped coughing and he nodded towards me as a thanks. "Zane and Vylad, I'm actually surprised your house can room that much people, our families included." Emmalyn says before sticking her head into a book once more.

"Before we go on praising the Ro'Meave's house, let's talk about the gifts!" Aphmau says in excitement, making all of us groan.

"Not again," Kenmur murmurs in horror, all of our faces matching the same expression, except for Nicole who was amused.

"Not you too." Zane says as he face-palmed, the other boys and a few girls doing the same. "Nicole, what the realm did you do with Aphmau?!" Jeffory sighs as he glared at Nicole.

"What? What did I say?" Aphmau asks as confusion was in her features. "Nothing, my dear student," Nicole comments with a grin on her face.

We were all referring to the time when Nicole was extremely nosy to ask all of us about the gifts we bought for Aphmau on her birthday, last October.

"You guys want to play in the snow later?" Cadenza asks us with a childish expression in her eyes, once she did, our faces matched the expression.

We all nodded ecstatically at her suggestion.

"What are you guys, 5?" A sudden voice snapped all of us out of our trance. Like some sort of comedy show, all our heads snapped to that person who asked the question.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now