[29] (Who is Travis? - Part 1) Hey, Not-Alone Buddy!

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Friday - November 18 (Continuation)

Aphmau's P.O.V.

As me and Zane sat down below an old oak tree, I couldn't help but take in the breeze that I want to just take me away. Sighing, I remember all the times both me and Zane went to this park, it was an overall great and comforting experience.

Though, before that, every time I would go here alone to think to myself, it isn't the least bit relaxing nor comforting.

I hate dragging Zane into it as well.

But... he needed to know. He wants to.

I never told Zane anything in fear of bringing him into my issues just like how Vylad got dragged in. I don't want to be holding them back with the mess I had in the past.

Yet he wants to know it. He chose to learn some things about me that I wouldn't dare to know if I was in his place.

He's doing it for me.

I couldn't help but smile at thought. Silence was enveloping us for minutes, sitting under the tree, enjoying the scene of the peaceful park.

I sighed once again, knowing I can't escape Zane's interrogation by sitting there and not speaking. So, I dig through my bag to grab my phone.

I clutched it tightly as I opened it hesitantly. Zane seemed to notice the slowness of my actions since he spoke up, "Remember, Aphmau. You are my best friend, I don't care about your flaws or your past. It's okay, you don't need to worry, I'm here to stay." I smiled at his words and nodded at him.

Searching through my photo gallery, I found the picture I was looking for...

A picture of me and Travis.

It was a simple picture with a complex backstory to it.

The picture was of me and Travis, Travis holding me close to him as he kissed my temple, not looking at the camera but a smile was on his face. I, on the other hand, was grinning at the camera as I held it up with my hand.

I clenched my teeth as I count to ten. Once finished, I gave my phone to Zane with the picture on display.

I waited for his reaction and finally got it.

His eyes completely widened and he was trying to search that mere picture for answers to his endless questions. That was his expression.

"Who is Travis?"

I looked at Zane with a bit of confusion in my eyes, but I sighed inwardly before saying, "Who is Travis? He's Travis Valkrum, 18 years old, a Senior like you and me, popular and loved."

"I mean... Who is Travis to you?" He asks, looking at me shortly before returning his eyes to the picture. "To me? He was a boy. A boy who was a son, a friend, a companion. A boy with a story and a future. A boy who didn't know what he was doing back then, at least, that's what I thought." I said simply.

I pulled my legs up to my chest, hugging it like it was a teddy bear, "T-Travis and I... we were best friends back in Freshman year, along with Vylad. We had this goofy name for each other... "Not-Alone Buddy"." I smiled at the memory.

"Hey, Not-Alone Buddy!" Travis greeted as he sat next to me at the cafeteria, a huge grin spread on his face. I giggled at his cute demeanor, "Hey, Not-Alone Buddy!" I greeted back.

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